We know, as an indisputable fact, that there are human beings in this world alive thanks to medical intervention by other humans who are so intelligent, they CREATED replacements and enhancements from the mechanical world and successfully joined them with our biological world.
Yet there are humans so dumb that they can know or even owe their existence to something like a pacemaker and at the same time fully believe humans have never landed on the Moon.
How is this possible? Such concepts are so far apart, they neither run parallel nor ever intersect in the same space and time.
It makes me wonder how abundantly polar beliefs can co-exist at similar levels of commitment in one person.
Not to brag for the zillionth time, but I am rather smart. And I cannot make sense of this. I've been trying, meditating on it, discussing it, 'dwelling' on it, some would say, and I don't comprehend a single tiny bit.
Can you explain it to me?