First, you need to read this. It'll take two minutes.
From Raw Story: Michigan woman with concealed carry permit opens fire at alleged Home Depot shoplifters
Memo to pyschos with CCWs, this is NOT what your permit is for. Fucking hell, bitch, you don't own that Home Depot. They weren't stealing your shit. They weren't a threat to you in any way.
Even if you only keep a weapon for in-home/at-home protection, if someone is NOT armed and stealing your car from your driveway and you shoot them, that is NOT self defense. That's assault or murder. If you are truly shooting at someone in self defense, that means they are an immediate *physical* threat to you and/or your family.
And if you have a CCW, you should know this. Don't try to be a hero because 11 out of 10 times, you're going to fuck it up since you don't have any sort of training beyond how to reload the gun. Plus you'll find yourself in a heap of legal trouble, which you fully deserve.
Your CCW means you keep a firearm concealed on your person and should ONLY use it in the event that YOU or someone with you is being assaulted. That's it.
That's the only situation in which you should use that gun in self defense.
Coincidentally, this is but one of a hundred reasons why I severed all ties with AxWound Miscreant Hitler. She got her CCW, brags about carrying and she's goddamn crazy like this woman. She no doubt looks for excuses and reasons to use a gun I'm sure she can barely operate. Why? Because she fucking loves drama and attention more than life itself.
Kind of sounds like a lot of armchair commandos, doesn't it? Yeah. It does.
Do I own weapons? Yes. And I think every law-abiding American citizen should have the right to own a weapon. But I also believe those rights come with tremendous responsibility.
Background checks, mental illness, yadda yadda yadda. Want to buy a gun? Get training. Real training. Not just how to safely keep, carry and operate a gun. WHEN you should use it, WHY you should use it. HOW to become proficient. (I mean, why have it if you can't hit the broad side of a barn?) What happens to you after you use it and you've had to take a life. There's SO MUCH to consider and our government is too busy playing party vs. party games to propose any common sense legislation.
Since our Congress is failing us, then we must take it upon ourselves to be RESPONSIBLE in order to maintain our rights and our freedoms. Being a dipshit is the quickest way to lose both.
Oh, and about those mass shootings ... Well, if every gun owner or person with a CCW had actual training and proficiency, THEN we can talk about hero situations. Until then, keep it in your pants.