Tuesday, October 25, 2016

No life. Just death.

It's funny to me when I mention boobs in a blog. Usually it's not a blog about boobs. I'm probably just bringing up boobs to make a point.

The part that is humorous is just having the word "boobs" in the blog makes the number of views jump way up.

Then I feel kind of bad for the people who clicked on the blog thinking they'd be rewarded with  images or content about knockers only to be disappointed by coming across my shitty blog.

 I would like to apologize to all the people who have clicked on my blog in the past or have clicked on it just now hoping for tits and finding ... well ... this.

Since you're here, let's talk about something serious. You know how there's is saying about something being as serious as life or death?

We should amend that statement. Simply say serious as death. We are taking life much too seriously. And it's causing us problems both individually and among humanity generally.

I guess Amy Schumer is in hot water with a lot of people for a Beyoncé parody or tribute, whatever. Did those people forget that Amy Schumer is a comedian?

It is literally her job to make people laugh about different topics, Beyoncé being one of those topics. Since I haven't seen the video I am speaking out of turn. But even taboo topics like racism, sexism, cultural appropriation, abortion, even sexual assault at some point, in the right hands, with the right brains, yes, there can be something funny about that or any variety of wrongness.
Even I have learned that I can laugh about death again.

I can even laugh and often do laugh about fat jokes and being fat and myself. I probably laugh at myself more than I laugh at anything else. I think I am allergic to being serious though, and I know not everyone is like that.

The point remains. We have to stop, take a very deep breath, let the stress and tensions go, let the differences go, let the mountain of things you have to do go for just a moment. And find a reason to laugh.

We will never survive what lies ahead without a sense of humor.

There is strength in being able to look at yourself and recognize not only your accomplishments but also your less attractive traits, some might even say flaws. Then you realize everyone has one side of themselves that they prefer over the other.

All of us work so hard to mask that one side that we don't like about ourselves. Yet we know each one of us indeed has the same side, that less attractive side.

And isn't it funny how we are so foolish to sometimes believe that if we eat the right food or wear the right clothes, hit the gym, drive the right car, be so fleek, that people will actually think our less attractive side doesn't exist.

But we know it's there. Yet we continue to try and hide it. Like human hamsters stuck in the revolving door fron hell.

That's it, friends. Remember to laugh. That's my point. Oh, and to apologize to the boob lovers who may feel cheated. LOL!

Thursday, September 29, 2016

The Evolution of my Motivation

Warren Barret S. 1993-2015
Whimsey Bratcat S. 2000-2016
Recent traumas in my life have caused me to change my mind in ways that have surprised me.
Maybe this happens to everyone but it's only now happening to me in the last several months. 
Birthdays aren't as fun anymore. It's still a day to feel special and spend extra time with friends and family. And of course the goodies. Tasty treats. Delicious dinners. Cards. Abundant good vibes.
Today though, I mostly felt a combination of nervous and sad. 

I miss Warren. Desperately. 

I sleep so I can see him in my dreams. 

Anything that marks the passing of time reminds me that time is the most precious thing of all.
Birthdays mark the passing of time right across my face.

I do like my stuff. And having money means you can access certain comforts. 

Would it be cool as hell to wake up in a Malibu mansion, hop in my '68 Charger and go shopping for kittens and makeup until I can't walk? You know it would!

But meh.

What I truly want now is time. I want to be with my parents. I want to be with Mr. B. I want to be with my kitties and my friends. Time with them is the most important reason to do anything. 

More than anything in the world, I want time with Warren again.

My days are filled with lost opportunities to use my time, fleeting time, to DO what matters. To be with these people.

Spoon supplies often run low or out completely. 

I try to push myself. React to obstacles. Recover from stumbles. All the usual efforts. Mostly not so bad. 

Flare ups are strange. Definitely affected by changes in weather. 

Yes, science is the only thing I believe in. I realize science doesn't support this pain and weather relationship. My own doctor thinks there must be a connection despite what she learned in med school because she has too many patients who are clearly affected. You can't fake swelling in your joints.

Sometimes a flare is but a day long event. 

This last one, however, started at least two weeks ago and it's still going strong. 

This dumb condition evaporates a tragic amount of my time. 

I'm nearly obsessed with time.

It has become clear that time is what drives me.

My achievements are measured in time. I measure my paycheck in time. Anything I can do that will allow me more time with the life forms I cherish, I will do what my resources allow.
For the entirety of my conscious life, I believed I would experience increasing happiness as I acquired more life-comforts and perks like fast machines and sprawling square footage.

Now I know better.

The way to truly live my life in happiness is use as much of that invaluable time as I can being with the ones I love.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

No, I don't care. But I have a good reason.

A few wise friends and several cautionary headlines advise keeping certain fish out of your personal social media pond.

They have valid points with scenarios like a friend who gossips to your mother or some coworker you didn't know you couldn't trust. We have probably all gotten fried asshairs from people like that taking something you share and twisting it for whatever excuse. 

What I say now I'm just going to say because everyone who matters to me already knows this anyway. 

I don't care. 

If someone is going to try to use an aspect of my own life against me, first of all, unless I'm Miss Fucking Cleo, I won't see it coming. Not much we can do to prepare for nor avoid some stuff. 

Secondly, if someone is a backstabber, stab today; don't wait for tomorrow. Wouldn't you rather the bad seeds reveal themselves immediately? You can't tell me you would prefer they suck you in and fuck with your feelings first. (However, if you are a masochist, then the latter makes sense and I don't judge.)

I do not happen to be a masochist. 

In the event of a dick, be a dick and get it done. That way we can both go on with life. I won't waste your time. Plz don't waste mine.

Third and finally ...
My golden rule is simple.

I'm going to be me. You be you. If we have that magic thing, then let's have tacos. 

The magic thing between two people is beyond explanation. But anyone who has felt it, hopefully everyone, knows it when they do feel it. 

Magic does not require us to have all things in common. But I will let you know if a line has been crossed and you let me know too. If we can't resolve to drive around the potholes together and keep rolling, then stop the bus.

We can and should end relationships that are or become toxic. Shit happens. See you in another life, maybe. Just drop me off at the curb and I will call an Uber.

Fuck me over ... Possibly different outcome. It depends. I live in a lot of grey area. Crossing bridges as I come to them if the escalator is out of service. And yes, I use a map and a moral compass.

My way of social-ing is not everyone's taste. A lot of people, intelligent people, are super trepidatious with their social media and/or live-lives. They do what makes them comfortable. 

If you opt for doing the living out loud thing with fellow live humans or on the webernet, accept that there are consequences. 

Talk about how much you love murdering tiger cubs with dull ninja stars? Expect and respect that most people will fucking wish you to fall off a cliff then roll down a hill of sharp rocks and slowly rot in a swampy ravine. 

In case it isn't clear, if you're a sociopath, don't be surprised when you end up living in a camper with rabid toads and only have one Facebook friend - your Auntie Ernestine whose account has been untouched since the day her granddaughter set it up and showed her how to like the fan page of 'Dancing with the Stars' and join the machine-quilters anonymous group.

Those are the kind of people I envision when I hear friends' advice and read headlines about social media drama.

I'm not always kosher but I'm also not a sociopath. Despite my faults, I try to do the right thing in sincerely almost all scenarios. (Grey areas!) Intentionally inflicting emotional pain isn't fun to me. Knowing this about myself, I think that at least helped me lose my capacity to care about haters of any type.

Please note: I am NOT saying bullying doesn't hurt me. It hurts everyone. It's wrong. It's bullshit. It should never triumph if it is keeping you from freely expressing yourself. 

Buuut ... I don't care enough about bullies to let them stop me from growing whatever the fuck I want in the garden of my life-o-sphere.

No matter what they do, I'm always going to keep it simple, being my authentic self. 

I have either developed or earned emotional scar tissue. Not sure how to look at that. 

My scars are the reason I don't fret about consequences of not caring what haters hate when it comes to me and my life both online or analog. 

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

In God YOU trust. Leave me out of this.

I guess some cop somewhere put 'In God we trust' stickers or decals on all the fleet vehicles and there's a big, convoluted, mostly retarded debate about it in all corners of social media. 
Of course, everyone is suddenly an expert in theology, constitutional law, ethics, early American history, ad nauseum. I'm not an expert in any of those things. But I know enough to get by. 
One thing I know is that asking questions is a very good way to find compromise, resolution and/or common ground. It's a good way to fix problems. The wrench in my gears is that it is hard to find someone willing to answer certain questions honestly and sincerely. Maybe my questions are threatening? And I know they can be challenging but I mean no harm.
People arguing angles of religion, constitutional rights, fiscal responsibility and crap can't agree whether Americans are required to be Christian or not. One side claims the founding fathers were Christian (many weren't; fact supported by irrefutable evidence from multiple sources) and therefore intended all American citizens to adhere to Christian faith.
The other side, with which I obviously align, argues that we have been guaranteed the freedom to think and believe in any way we desire, provided it does not infringe upon fellow Americans.
I feel like every human deserves this but so far, only a lucky few of us are born in a country whose government (for now) guarantees it on paper.
Here come the questions:
How does TeamGod assume these car decals will affect change, positive OR negative?
Has a member of either team ever had an experience where reading a sticker on a car caused them to alter their beliefs or behavior? Provide examples, yes?
One for Team Choice, 'In God we trust' is on our money and we see it a bazillion times in our lives because it's, y'know, on our money and just about every other printable surface in the country. So is it truly a problem if this rinky dink sheriff wants it on his officers' cars? It's a sticker. It can't hurt anyone. 
Annoying? For some, yes.
Because you're annoyed, does that mean you are now entitled to take enjoyment away from someone else?
Wait ... I'm not finished.
Tax dollars. Yeah, about how those should be spent. Let's leave religion out of that. 
Why? Because it's not an essential for everyone. And if our tax money is intended to benefit ALL Americans, we owe it to ourselves and one another to leave certain things out of the equation.
Religion does not need government funding. It's not related to staying alive and staying free from potential invading armies and it does not prevent nor heal disease and it doesn't help transport goods nor people from point a to b.
Taxes shouldn't be spent on non-essentials as a rule. 
Now a handful of car stickers Mr. Deputy probably ordered online? Not talking about millions of dollars and therefore not a threat to our social security. 
However, it is a bad habit and something we would be wise not to encourage.
My questions stand though, because this is not the first time a similar argument has cropped up on the interwebs.
And those questions always come to my head. 
So I'm basically dying of curiosity. 
Don't let me be another victim. LoLz