Huckabee scares me.
1 - Don't like his name. Don't know why, but I hate his name. It doesn't sound like a real name. It sounds like some shitty restaurant chain.
2 - Don't like anyone with any sort of "anti" agenda where people's appearance is concerned. He has an anti-fat agenda. (See: BMI listed on kid's grade cards in Arkansas.) I would still hate him if he had an anti-short agenda or an anti-big feet agenda. Americans are permitted to look however they want. If he's president, does that mean I'll have to hide in the house all the time, lest I'm caught and arrested for public fatted-ness? Why does no one seem to mention he had WEIGHT LOSS SURGERY to get thinner? Yeah, Fuckerbee, it's an easy ride when you have a doctor slice up your guts so you can't eat. Not everyone has that option. Not everyone WANTS that option. Some of us are just fine the way we currently live. Leave those kids alone! Geezus.
3 - He doesn't drink. Who, from Arkansas, doesn't drink? Who wants to be around a stone cold sober Arkansasanianan? Not me. Sounds like he's trying to deny his Arky roots. I don't like fakers.
4 - He has what is known as "crazy white boy stare". It's a common condition among all stupid people, actually... not just crazy white boys. Usually occurs when they're asked a question they don't understand or can't answer. Caused when the 3 active brain cells jam up with the 19 inactive ones.
5 - Wants to over-turn Roe v. Wade. Probably wants to deny women the right to vote and drive, too... FUCK THAT NOISE. Would I personally ever have an abortion? Probably not. Depends on the circumstances. But, who am I to say someone else shouldn't have the option??? Am I going to adopt their unwanted baby? Nope. So I had better leave them alone and stay out of their business. Is Fuckerbee and his sober dowdy wife going to adopt these babies and let them eat off the $10,000 china and crystal place settings in the AR Gov'ners mansion? Doubt it! Highly doubt it. Where does that fucktard get off wanting to deny a woman a choice? We can't stop hos from being hos and we can't stop rapists from being rapists and we can't stop dangerous pregnancies from happening, so let's just leave the choice up to the INDIVIDUAL... unless we're going to stand in line and personally be accountable for these children we've forced into the world... That's all I'm sayin.
6 - Is opposed to stem-cell research. Yes... let's all die skinny and sober, in church, while trying to feed masses of unwanted babies with $10,000 china.
7 - Opposes the right for gay couples to marry. Too bad we can't figure out if an embryo is gay or not... because then he would probably allow gay abortion, just so there aren't as many homos running around, trying to get married and shit. Such a shame my gay friends actually have things to do and money to spend, otherwise I'd get a gang of them together to come kick his ass.
8 - Isn't down with separation of church and state. Wants to bring his Christian faith to work with him. Um... 'scuse me, but I know a WHOLE BUNCH of Americans who might not be cool with that. Let's see... Jewish people. Buddhist people. Hindu people. Agnostic or atheist people. Muslim people. Just to name a few...
Gag me gag me gag me GAG ME! His website is awful! Just overflowing with bile and spew and garbage! This man is an IDIOT. No, seriously, he's not bright and he's not bright enough to know he's not bright. He thinks he's fine and dandy.
Huckabee = Yucky Pee.
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