Don't be hatin'. That's all he's trying to say. I mean, what do we have to lose by being cool to each other? Even those with whom we fundamentally disagree?
What's his name... I have to look it up, just a sec. Chris Cocker.
First, I owe him props because *I* certainly don't have the brass nuts it would take to post that kind of emotional moment on the effin NET. He knew what he was walking into, but I bet he did not expect it to blow up like that. Anyway, the guy is far more brave than me. As ironic as that sounds, it's true. Much easier to put on a cheesy grin and stick your butt out than it is to show yourself being all upset and stuff.
Second, if he IS acting, then bravo! For the serious! That's the stuff Oscars are made of. It's gut wrenching. The pain seems really sincere!
Third, the message is good, eh? Its delivery is extreme and kinda out there, but he's only saying it takes all kinds and we should be more open to that "live-and-let-live" vibe. Nauseatingly cliche, you're right, but the term has been around this long because there's merit to it. ~groan~ I'm getting preachy! Slap me, please. Hard. hee heee hee.
We can still have our opinions and what not. And it doesn't kill someone to let them know how you really feel sometimes, even if it's not positive. We improve as people when we get honest feedback about both our strengths and 'not-so-strengths'. lol
Plus, is he really all that different from the rest of the world? People are acting like he's an alien space invader. Get over it, geez. Boys in eyeliner is hardly "new". Hellooo, remember the 80's? David poopie Beckham has worn eyeliner and he's apparently some pop culture icon and Duke of all Maxim Readers, although not for the reasons I would have guessed.
I just don't think our Britney Boy is the big looney bird E! and VH1 say he is... Is that dumb?
Am I a tremendous dork for even blogging about it? LOL Now I'm laughing because if I did a search, I'm sure I would find a BUTT LOAD of blogs about him and they would ALL be as big of a waste of time as mine. LOL But that's what hobbies are right? They're kind of a waste of time. (Then again, I'm -thismuch- jealous because I don't have time for a hobby. I won't deny it.)
Ohkay, so, wrapping up... Chris Cocker... not -that- much of a spaz.
I would also like to add...
Kitties are awesome!
(My mood is "quixotic" and I don't know what that means, but I thought it sounded good at the time. I hope it doesn't mean "will soon develop IBS" or something like that. But just in case it does, my mood is NOT actually hopeful for a colonic disorder. That would not be good. I'm not at liberty to say anymore about my mood. Sorry.)
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