Like everyone knows who Byron Allen is, right? Y'know - he's that hack dude always who is always trying to break into showbiz?
That guy has been around forever, always on some late-nite low-budget quasi-entertainment/sports news comedy show starring him, written by him, produced by him, directed by him, edited by him?
I consider him just one step above an infomercial actor. Anyway, for laughs I Googled him. He's only got 1.3 million hits.
That made me feel bad for clowning on him so much. I had to make amends.
Hey Byron, let me make it up to you. "Byron Allen" There. Now you have 1.3 million & 1 hits.
Even his Wiki page is kinda sad... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byron_Allen
Geez. We should help this guy out. Everyone try to use "Byron Allen" in a sentence tomorrow. Let's see if we can give him a boost.
*If you are reading this and thinking - "Duuude, I don't effing get that. Byron who?" Chances are you don't often suffer from insomnia and if you do, you have more options than local network TV to occupy your time.
*Dear Mr. Buffie, thank you for talking me into getting pay-TeeVee for the first time in 2004. I don't know how I ever lived without it. I also don't know how I managed to make it to age 22 before I had a television with a remote control. Additionally, I don't know why I am not getting up right now to retrieve the remote from your sound-asleep grasp to change the channel. I am further mystified as to why instead I have opted to watch Byron Fucking Allen again.
Did YOU do a good deed today? ~smugly looks around the room~