Ahhh, the People of Wal-Mart.
You know you've been there. It's ohkay. I have too. I've shamelessly laughed at and mocked them like the rest of you.
They're freaky. They dress funny. Some don't dress at all. There's fatness, oldness, red-neck-ness, and straight up hot-mess-ness.
But I was thinking today about them and I realized something that surprised me.
I mock them because I'm jealous.
They have something many of us wish we had or had more of... pure unapologetic moxy.
People of Wal-Mart are DOING what we all want to do but are too afraid. They dare to be only who they are and wear only what they want and drive vehicles that make big bold statements about the contents of their souls.
Can I say I have the cojones to wear this? Nope. Sure don't. Not to Wal-Mart. But this lady DOES have the guts. She is working her neon spandex and clearly doesn't give a flying bit of a shit what we have to say about it. She's sending us all a message. It's an important message.
She's telling us we don't decide what she wears. SHE decides what she wears and if she wants to wear a hot pink micro mini that's so tight she probably had to use non-stick spray to get into it, then fuck all, she's gonna do it. She's gonna do it and take her hot fat pink ass to Wal-Mart and haters be damned.
You know how that makes me feel? Jealous.
I totally envy attitude like that. I wish I had a fraction of it. Maybe some day I will.
One of these days I won't be hiding behind a computer and trolling PeopleofWalMart.com because I'll be out doing whatever the fuck I want and I won't give half a shit who has a problem with it.
And the next time I'm scoping out the recent posts on POWM, it won't be for giggles, it'll be for inspiration.
I couldn't agree more. I want to believe one day, I will be empowered to leave my house as is and NOT change just to to impress the POWM.