Buffie's Blog, duh! Like who needs 500 characters to describe a blog!? Geeeez.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Thanksgiving by Numbers.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Maura and the Big Fat Horror

Do you know Maura Kelly? I didn't until today when my bestie Lisa posted a Jezebel link about her on FB. Maura stepped in a big fat pile of shit with a recent blog she wrote for Marie Claire.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Ever wake up five years later and go "what the fork was I thinking?!"
Ever wake up five years later and go "what the fork was I thinking?!"
Answer here
Thursday, August 5, 2010
An indication that you've had enough.

Friday, July 9, 2010
Your Fluff Welcome Here

*UPDATE* I've been to Sabor Y Sol a couple times since they re-opened and it's everything Sol Azteca was and more. They now have made-fresh-when-you-order-it guacamole that will land your ass in rehab. The interior is much brighter now. Tables and chairs are still fat-friendly. Staff is great. FOOD IS INCREDIBLE and more than reasonably priced.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Hi Buff, I'm a big fan of your modeling carreer. Do you wear also sexy cleavage and mini skirt in your daily.
Not really. Only in fat-safe/fat-friendly environments because the average group of people cannot be trusted to act respectfully. It's an unpleasant fact.
I live out loud as much as I can but I also realize there are boundaries I shouldn't push in public because society isn't ready to accept fat pride. We still have some fighting to do on that front.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Are there any celebrities, actresses, or other such female famous peoplez specifically who you think gaining weight would be an improvement, E.G. improve there looks, make them sexier good for them or make em see the world through a larger girls eyes <;]
No specific person comes to mind; there are some who need a smack upside the head tho. (Spencer Pratt, Kanye, I'm talking to you.)
Not every skinny girl can rock curves... however I have to speak the whole truth and that is, not every zaftig lady can make skinny look good either.
I am never happy to see any celeb pimping sodium-laden over-priced horrors like Nutricrapstem or Jenny Crank. There are better ways to make money than by telling fat people they're hideous then preying on the ones who are unfortunately gullible enough to believe it.
However, it's probably unfair of me to hold a celebrity to a higher standard than the average person... but what the hay, it's fun so I do it anyway. Heeee!!!
What's the craziest movie you've ever seen? The kind that just make you scratch your head and say WTF?
Probably a David Lynch movie... even though those are pretty tame in the big picture of creepy flicks. This foreign film I watched with my friend Regina was pretty out there. It was about a killer dog. And I think it was French. Baxter... Omg it has a Wiki page. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Baxter_(film)
Your questions are so much fun, Cat! (((hugs)))
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Buffie, I think your a real sex bomb of the SSBBW and a model to "big" women. Would you like to pose on Playboy or similar?
Playboy has some of the most consistently lovely nude glamour photography out there. And true to what people say - the writing is excellent, nice combo of fluff and important stuff. Sort of like a morning news show except for hipsters who like vintage designer clothes and expensive vodka. A little ad heavy but when you hire the best, you have to pay them what they're worth somehow. Straight subscription costs probably wouldn't begin to cover their expenses.
I don't necessarily think I'm the appropriate type of model for Playboy's audience. Obviously they cater to people who are attracted to a thin/barely curvy body.
While I appreciate it personally, I realize I would not be popular among the majority of their readers. I might even get angry emails from people who are offended by simple fatness, and unfortunately I've come across a few.
There are some magazines that have equally kickass photography that feature we of the fluffy variety. So if one of them asked me, I would be flatted and gladly accept. ^_^
Friday, April 30, 2010
What is your all time favorite photo of yourself and why? If the photo is available online can you direct the world to it?
It's a photo of me when I was like 5 or 6. My grandpa (mum's side) was having professional portraits done. He took mum and me with him.
He lived almost 700 miles away but we would visit him a lot or he would come stay with us for a few weeks at a time. Like all kids, I was his shadow. Followed him everywhere.
So when he was having these portraits taken, I don't think I really knew what was going on, other than grandpa was sitting there by himself and looked like he needed some company. So I crashed his photo session.
The picture is above my fire place but not available on the net. I should probably get it scanned so I'll always have it.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Do you take it in the ass? If yes, do you like it?
To answer your second question, no. I do not believe I would like to take it in the ass because I like to get it there faster than that. I don't know the fastest speed for taking it in the ass, but I can't imagine it being quicker than 20 or 30 mph. Taking it in the ass just seems like a really inefficient way to get it there.
Not that I judge people who do take it in the ass. Modes of personal freight transportation are an individual choice and should be respected. Perhaps the Amish take it in the ass because it's not large enough for taking it in the family carriage and also because the Amish do not believe in owning modes of personal freight transportation other than things like asses, mules, horses and maybe oxen too. People like to take it in all sorts of ways. Some like to take it in the bicycle, some like taking it in the city bus.
Hope this makes my stance on taking it in the ass clear.
C'mon guys, you all know by now I don't do questions like that. Waaay too personal. I'm cool with being open but that goes beyond my own boundaries. Just FYI for those who aren't aware.
Thanks tho. It was fun having the chance to give a silly answer. I enjoyed that part. :D Was it good for you? (snork!)
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
You can have lunch with 3 people in all of human history, who you have lunch with and why?
Oh wow. This is just lunch right? Like I can still have dinner with 3 other people and breakfast with 3 more and then lunch again with 3 new ones?
Three people... does it matter if they're dead? I mean, I don't want to have lunch with dead people. So if let's say if these hypothetically dead people were still alive, k?
Alright, here goes.
Kevyn Aucoin - an amazing make up artist who left this world far too soon. I would want to just be in his presence in hopes I'd soak up a fraction of his talent.
Candye Kane - kickass blues singer and songwriter whose music make you feel like a rockstar yourself. Candye has the gift of good vibes and she shares it freely.
If I can't cheat and make the 3rd person a combination of all the people I love in the world, then I would have to pick... gosh... this is a good question btw... I'd pick... uhm... Ohkay, I know.
Hunter S. Thompson. If I have to explain who that is then you should smack yourself upside the head. He was batshit crazy. His insanity was only outpaced by his brilliance. There has always been something about his dichotomy that resonates with me. Significantly. Not that I'm genius or looney but like him, I'm uncomfortably content being stuck in between.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
What "clique" were you with in school?
In my opinion my friends were the best people on the planet and they still are. So I'd say I was in the "Super Awesome Rocking Clique of Excellent Peeps and Good Times".
People who were in the actual popular cliques were mostly assholes who looked down their noses at my friends and me. But they can eat shit because we totally had a blast together and there was nothing they could do to stop us.
Monday, April 12, 2010
What is the next big thing that you are looking forward to in your life?
I'm really looking forward to doing more community service. Last year I started volunteering my time on a regular basis and there's something oddly addicting about it.
When you assist someone or contribute to a project where many people benefit, you feel like you've done something significantly valuable with your time.
Don't get me wrong, days spent chilling with the kitty cats, friends and family is time well spent for sure and I wouldn't give that up for anything.
But volunteering is a great way to mix it up a bit. You make new friends, learn things about yourself and gain more social awareness. When you want to support a cause but you don't have money, you can always give time. I highly recommend it.
Awesome question. Thanks for asking! =)
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Why is there such an ugly divide in the US right now?
You mean between political parties? I think it's because people focus too much on the "party" instead of the individual issues. The unwillingness for either party to negotiate or compromise with the other also polarizes us.
People don't take the time to verify what is forwarded to them in emails from their BFFs so they don't even know what the issues really are or how proposed legislation is actually written.
A lot of people also seem too interested in legislating what consenting adults do behind closed doors. This has got to stop.
If a same-gender couple wants to marry, for fuck sake, let them! If a woman gets pregnant and doesn't want to have the baby, let her terminate the pregnancy. If it's "immoral" that's no one's business but the individual(s) in question.
I think there will always be a divide because ignorance will always exist. Nosy asshole neighbors will always exist. Hate and greed will always exist. Best we can do is try to rise above it, try to accept that life isn't fair, show each other a little more kindness, patience and tolerance, even when we dislike someone or disagree with them. Within reason, of course. I'm not saying we go give Fred Phelps a hug but maybe if someone did, he'd be brave enough to come out of the closet...
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Is it okay to double dip?
In legal terms, no. It is never permissible observe and fail to report or directly commit such infraction.
Chapter 16 Paragraph 3 of the Germaphobic code states that no community dip shall be transacted from in excess of a singular instance via similar vessel for individual consumption.
Since I am a believer in faithful observation of the Germaphobic code, neither is it acceptable to commit a multiple-dipping, nor shall I be endangered from accidental consumption of dip that has been violated because people are required by law to report observation of such vile crimes.
Paragraph 4 defines "community dip" as any taco dip, ranch dressing, cream cheese ball, fondue, cucumber sauce, or related accouterment of delicious noms intended for ingestion by way of edible delivery device.
Clearly this is something I take very seriously.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Otherwise I never would have known.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Monday, January 25, 2010
Tetas en Rosado

Hola mi amigos! Here's a new set from the Seattle Series. It's me! In pink! With boobs! YAY! =)
I'm barely in pink though. When I bought this top, I thought it would be just a little more stretchy than it really was. The boobs almost didn't fit. But we had a meeting, talked it over and came to a compromise. The boobs agreed to mush themselves into the top and the top agreed not to burst for at least a few photos. Everyone is happy!
Luscious hugs and jiggles, ~Buffie
*Much Thanks To Hot Light Studios For Taking These Images - They Rule!*
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
I have become "memorably" numb?

Tonight I had my first "you might be fat if..." experience.
That was my big clue this evening.
Backstory: I go to this one donut place mayyyyybeeeee 4 or 5 times a year. (Not saying I only /eat/ there 4 or 5 times a year but usually Mr. Buffie just runs in and grabs a half-dozen on the way to work while she-who-is-not-a-morning-person waits in the car. So I personally don't step foot in the donut shop all that much.) /end Backstory
Tonight we went to grab a bite after an obscenely long day at the office and the very nice hostess lady says "Hi! Haven't seen you in a while!"
I'm thinking "Hi, haven't seen you... uhm, ever."
Then she says she knows me from the donut shop, where she used to work 2 years ago.
What does that mean???? Who has a memory like that? Does that mean I'm memorably fat? I've always jokingly wondered if they have fat "Wanted" posters in places like Chinese buffets and donut shops (like John Pinette says) but now I'm thinking - do they /really/ keep tabs???
Mr. Buffie is the one who pops in there 90% of the time and she doesn't seem to recognize him at all.
Not exactly paranoid but definitely perplexed and possibly even intrigued....
What makes someone memorable? (I know what makes someone memorable to me but what's the general consensus? I feel bad for not remembering her. She was a nice chick.)