Wednesday, December 26, 2012

ProTip: You're not my friend; I don't care what you think.

Haters gonna hate and hate s'more.

Sadly it is true.  This happens to the rest of you, right?  Like, I don't have a disproportionate amount of haters, do I?  Impossible.

Wise friends have told me before that you know you're living a good life if you have haters.  Maybe that is just a nice thing to say, and it is nice to hear.  And maybe there's truth to it.  Hopefully I do have both nice, wise friends and the truth is that I'm doing more shit good than bad.

Yet bitches are throwing shade up in here.  Trying to bring me down.  But doesn't Yoda say, "Do or do not.  There is no try."  Or Captain Kirk.  Captain Crunch?

First of all, bringing me down accomplishes what?  Nothing.

Haters need proof?  Here it is.

You're not the first to try.  Ones before you skulked away with their time and energy utterly wasted and that will be your fate, too.

Second of all, scroll up to where I said, "First of all."

LoL!  XD

Listen, I know I'm weird.  I'm weird and I break social norms as if I was raised on Mars (kind of true, strange parents) and that is off-putting for certain people.  But it doesn't mean I'm an asshole.

I understand it may be awkward when I talk openly and non-negatively about my size and my general self.  As a fat girl from the Midwest, I'm expected to hate my body and shame myself and feel ugly, dumb, lazy, etc. etc. etc.  I don't though.  And I'm not going to start.

The beauty of free will is that you don't have to agree with me.  But if you think I'm hideous, don't expect me to agree with you.

The fact that I have higher self-esteem than you isn't my fault.  It also isn't my problem.  Again, not being an asshole here.  Those are just facts.

Srsly, what do you want me to do about it?  I can't make you like yourself.

How do I know that you don't?  Because you're fucking with me.  People who like themselves don't fuck with other people unprovoked.  Because behavioral fucking science, that's why.

So yeah, if you could put your energy into your own beeswax, it would be a better use of your resources.  That's some pretty generous advice considering I don't give a fuck if you waste your time or not.  Can we call that a coin in the leave-Buffie-alone bank?

Now get out of my way, I have things to accomplish.

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