If you could stop doing stupid shit that makes me feel shitty about being a white person, which I cannot help, we are who we are, but yeah, if you could quit being racist pieces of shit on the internet and in real life, that would be great.
Let me throw out some easily Google-able examples for the extremely stupid people who are unfortunate enough to come across my extremely stupid blog.
The first example that comes to mind is the crazy racist lady at Michael's craft store either last Christmas or the one before last. Then there was the crazy Canadian lady at the medical clinic this week. And apparently late last week or earlier this week there was some psycho red beard guy from Colorado who punched a dude and his face like four times and the guy he hit was inside his car the time. That's like punching a person stuck in a box. So fucked up.
This example isn't 100 percent racist in nature because I don't think race was actually mentioned in it but it was an angry white man beating up a kid with a Latino last name.
This example isn't 100 percent racist in nature because I don't think race was actually mentioned in it but it was an angry white man beating up a kid with a Latino last name.
I also saw another video not that long ago but I don't know when the video itself was made, but it was two women who look like they were at a Trader Joe's or some kind of grocery store and the white woman was being a complete douche to an apparently Muslim woman who had let the white woman cut in line in front of her. She does something nice for the lady, and the lady tells her to get out of the country in which she was born, because I'm guessing the white bigot bitch thinks that only Christians are allowed in America. White ones at that.
Your last example is of a woman at Walmart, shocker, giving a woman with an accent a hard time for being in the 'wrong' country.
Yes, I am white. I am practically see-through I am so white. I can tell you the four different European countries from which each of my ancestors come. My Mum is a legitimate ginger, red hair, pale white skin, littered with freckles, ice blue eyes.
I am fine with my whiteness. I was born this way. We were all born in the way we are born. We might as well accept who we are, as we are. Unless you're a douche bag, then try to do better. Try damn hard.
Regardless of my whiteness, and the whiteness of my parents, I grew up with all flavors of people in my life. We travel, not globally, unfortunately. But I've seen the United States and a lot of Canada and some of Mexico. I have friends of all different faiths. Republican friends. Democrat friends. Friends who ride the fence, like me. Friends from other countries. Friends with advanced degrees, friends with GEDs.
You're getting my point right? Growing up that way, indeed I am fortunate for learning that my experiences and the experiences of other people don't necessarily have anything in common.
I can tell you something else that growing up around a large variety of people has taught me, white privilege does exist. And I do benefit from it. And that doesn't make it right. And even though I benefit from white privilege and I am a white person, I can freely and openly proclaim that it's wrong. It is wrong. White privilege is wrong.
Say it with me, white privilege is wrong.
I can already hear you right now saying, "But I'm not racist."
Of course you aren't. I do not have Nazi friends. That is intentional.
However, you still need to admit, if you are white, and in the United States, that white privilege definitely exists here, and you benefit from it, and it is wrong.
It will feel uncomfortable and weird for some of you maybe. For others it probably won't. For a lot of you, you probably already admit it. If you do, that is great. And you are the kind of people that the world needs because it's people like you who will help cure the ills of society.
We have work to do. All of us.
We can start by being honest. With ourselves. And with others. If you're already honest, skip to the next step.
We must be ethical. This is not the same as moral. The differences are complicated. Give yourself some time to learn them if you don't already know them.
Whenever possible, we should be kind, or at the minimum, neutral.
These crazy, ranting, rage filled, psychotic videos that keep popping up in the news, and all over the internet, it has to stop. These people need to change their ways. No, we cannot change them technically. A person must change oneself.
Maybe it's too late for them. If that's the case, then we must bring up the next generation better.
I don't have all the answers. I don't have any answers. I making this shit up as I go. But by using just a few simple guidelines, I've managed to live most of my life not being a massive dick. At least I don't think I've been a massive dick. I would assume one of my many friends or relatives would tell me if that were the case.
As a white person, let me just confirm to the other white people who may be unaware of this fact, but your whiteness does not give you any kind of special privileges. And if it does, it's basically an accident, and you don't deserve them.
Since i'm a white person who has to share this country with you, I would deeply appreciate it if you would keep your racist bullshit to yourself if you can't stop being a racist altogether.
I've said this before, but let me say it again in case we've forgotten: It literally requires no effort to just shut your face and go on with your life in many, if not most cases. Do yourself a favor and save that energy for something more fun than looking like an enormous white dickbag.
This was definitely too much for Twitter. Misse's advice to blog it was spot on, as always.
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