Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Mr. Buffie Says... 14Nov07

Some people are like Slinkies. Not really good for anything, but they bring a smile to your face when you push them down the stairs.


Advice for the day...

Watch David Lynch films at your own risk. It's two hours of your life you will NOT get back.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Caught in the act. 13Nov07

I'm busted. Watching junk TV again. This time it was Life in the Fab Lane with Kimora Lee Simmons. 

At first, I wanted to like it because she's like a big Barbie doll. You want to brush her hair and borrow her earrings. 

But NO. I don't like it and it kinda bums me out. She's grumpy. I mean really grumpy. And she's scary. Cute girls are not supposed to act like that. They're supposed to be fun and nice and silly. She has rare fits of silly which are swiftly and often interrupted by bad trips down Crabby Nag Diva lane. 

She makes crazy demands on this real-estate guy who spends most of his time on camera looking terrified of her. If there were a little 'thought bubble' over his head, it would say something like "Please lady, don't twist it /completely/ off." Poor schmo.

She yells a lot and complains complains complains complains. When did it become vogue to have luxury cars, mansions, expansive closets dripping in designer labels and act like life is just soooooooooooooo impossibly hard. Oh boo hoo. The plight of the celebrities! It's heartbreaking! 

She's a mom. Uh huh. So are about a jilliondy other women on this planet. Having reproduced isn't license to push around friends and associates. What was up with being like 5 hours late for a photo shoot? People who do that sort of thing in the regular joe world get fired. Having a buttload of money and nice swag doesn't make a person too good to act respectfully, responsibly, or patient and tolerant of other people. Is it just the way the show is editied? Maybe she is super polite and stuff but they just show her joking around and you don't know she's kidding? Could that be it? 

I don't know, either way, I don't want to watch it any more because it's a total buzzkill and watching junk TV isn't supposed to be a downer.

And don't get me wrong. I like celebrities as much as anyone else. Their movies and TV shows and magazine fodder are a nice distraction from 'real life'. But it's WAY more of a good time to see celebrities having a blast than it is to watch them moan and groan and fuss. If I wan't to see a shitty attitude, I'll go spend a day with some sullen teenagers.

Now *I'm* the one who's complaining! Oh no! See? See what you've done, Kimora??? It's a vicious circle! Must ... break ... away!

My little kitty was talking (meowing) in her sleep just now. Precious! So precious! It's also squeaky cute when she yawns in the middle of a meow. It comes out meyawwwwwn! Charo likes to talk on the phone with Misse and Gwen. I think she talked to Lisa, too. And she talks to my mum. She sees me on the phone and she will say "MAOW!" Charo doesn't mee-oww. She MAOWs. It's L O U D too. MAOW! One time, Mr. Buffie and I looked for cat videos and sounds on YouTube because we were trying to find cats that sounded like Whimsey (little scratchy oww) and Charo (MAOW). The closest we got was a Siamese who said MEAOW! Whimsey's voice is pretty unique. It's a very quiet and sweet sounding oww. The irony being that Whimsey is the mess-you-up-like-knife-warrior cat and Charo is the snuggle-you-all-over cat. 


I'm rambling. =) again.

Sunday, November 4, 2007

Back from Boston 04Nov07

It's been a week since I've been back from Boston. Mostly I have thought about my friends and food. ... and the fact that traffic is not THAT nuts in Kansas City. 

Got to see my dearest Lisa! That rocked so hard core! ~waves to Lisa~ So happy to see her and have sushi with her and laugh about wacky shit and I can't wait to do it again!!! She still rocks red lips like no one I've ever seen before. 

Also spent a lot of time with Gwen!!! All fabulous, all the time, yes a rockstar all the way! Her latest Malice in Wonderland photos are evidence of that. Miss Olivia, complete bombdiggity doll with the sweetest smile! Sassy, all that and more and then some and more. Nicole, always a sugar and what a killer rack! 

And of course, the Big Cuties. My wonderful BC sisters! It's like being in the best soroity ever created! Except we don't live together and stuff. But still, we're all members of a very kickass group of hot chicks. 

It was such a great trip! I'm glad to be home, but I miss y'all! Pout Pout Pout. I miss the FOOOOOOOD. Ohmigawd, the food. 

Thursday was fish and chips and coleslaw and broiled swordfish and butternut squash from the Sea Witch. Mmmmmm, so delicious. Dinner was liquor and Dunkin Donuts. How excellent is that?! YEAH! Mr. Buffie proclaimed it Best Fish n Chips EVER. I agree.

Friday was roast beef, onion rings, Gwen's cheese n bacon fried and a fish sandwich from Kelly's. Excellent, but the service was shitty. For dinner was Samba teppanyaki at Samba in Framingham. I think the tiny Asian wait-staff was a little worried by the hungry and proud of it group of groovy BBWs and the men who adore us. We ate the house. Heather, thank you so much for the invite. It was fantastic! We had sushi, followed by steak, vegetables, rice, curry sauce and not nearly enough of it. I could have eaten more. Yummm!

Saturday we enjoyed good old pizza and beer. 

Sunday came too soon and it was time to go, but we made a last minute cruise through Salem (a total madhouse, people EVERYWHERE yuck) but found a very creepy cool old cemetary and walked around there for a while. Hee hee hee! Perfect thing to do! Saw a mob pay off at Bill n Bob's Roast Beef. Way better than Kelly's roast beef, way better service too (if not a teensy bit hard to understand, the accent! Awesome)! Killer french fries, too. Enjoyed dinner at the airport. How often do you hear people say that? LOL We did enjoy it though. There's a Legal Seafood at Logan! Mr. Buffie had gumbo. Strange choice on the east coast, but it wasn't half bad. I enjoyed a grilled to perfection tuna steak with steamed broccoli and mashed new potatoes. Heavenly. Had a mojito for desert.

Even on the plane home I had my Midwest hot chocolate chip cookies. I was worried they had discontinued to practice since I was denied cookies on the flight up. A fricking GRANOLA BAR was given to me instead. Hrmph. I need not your granola, Midwest. I pay extra for your fucking cookies goddammit. You have extra wide leather seats. That means you welcome my chunky butt. You want my chunky money, you give me cookies. See how that works? Not on one flight but on EVERY flight. You promised! You know weeks in advance I'll be there. Just meet me at the gate with cookies and ginger ale. I order the same thing every time, geez. Don't you keep track? You skip my cookies and someone's going to have a bloody nose, understand me? 

All in all, what a great way to spend a fall break! Halloween in Boston is like Mardi Gras in New Orleans. Too much fun! Oh the costume contest! I forgot to talk about that. Truth is, I don't remember much of it because I was most tipsy! LOL But judging from the pictures, it was a good time. Hee hee hee. Will post some on my profile pics. =)

The only bummer was not having Misse there to enjoy it, too. She's such a dedicated student though I understand why she takes school so seriously. That's why she rules!

Hugs to all my girlie friends! Mmmmmmuaaahhhh!