I warned you.
(Thank you Conan O'Brien and your friend Frankenstein, for the neato idea!)
That's all I'm saying about that.
No secret that I dig junk TV, right? We all know this, yes? Ohkay. Oddly enough, even I have television standards.
Who gives a shit about the Kardashians, really? /Really./ ...
Also, what is going on lately with the tabloid shows and Jessica Simpson's "weight" or Mischa Barton's lack thereof? Which one is it, Hollywood? You have to make a decision on what sizes are acceptable because you're fucking annoying everyone.
Earlier tonight, Charo was in a sound deep kitty cat sleep on Mr. Buffie's lap. Whimsey was sitting next to me on the ottoman, enjoying having her chin scratched. Since she was being a nice kitty and also because Charo is bad at taking turns, I decided to try and sneak Whims a little kitty nip.
Veeeeery q u i e t l y I opened the lid. Silently shook some out for Whimsey. Tried to put the lid back on making less noise than a mouse going pee pee on a pillow, but Charo's ears *instantly* turned right to me. I was busted so fast.
You can't sneak up on a cat. And if you do, it's just dumb luck. Even a kitty so fast asleep that the electronica channel on the sat rad won't make her twitch a whisker knows the sound of the catnip tub being opened and closed.
And now Buffie has wasted a moment of your time.
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