Got fished in, totally fished in by the VH1. Happens all the time. It's like they have spies in my brain. Ohhh... Rock of Love. All my heart to Poison, because they spent a great deal of time in my CD player and still do, but not as often, too many choices these days. This show is a tour bus full of painted valley hookers on parade. It's nothing but lip gloss, plastic, and the unidentifiable ick around the edges of the hot tub. And I can't seem to stop watching. The shame I feel.
Mr. Buffie is a very lucky son of a gun. He's totally passed out on the sofa right now.
Post-fried-chicken-food-coma. It's a common occurrence in American males over the age of 35.
He was very busy doing my biddng all weekend. I have new mulch (it's red!) and new plants and some iris that will soon bloom.
Hey, do any of you know if mulch is bad? I talked to Misse on the phone tonight. Anyway, she said mulch was supposed to be bad, but she couldn't remember if that
was a fact or suburban legend. eeek ))Worried! ((
Bugs, gross.
Is it against the law to bribe a sky cap? I kind of assumed that was why they were really there. These aren't simply kind, smiling gentlemen who help you unload your car and never complain when your license gets stuck in your wallet. Those guys are
there to make a dime, yeah duh. I mean, everyone knows extra tips earn you some extra liberties. That's the American Way. Those who can afford DO and
those who can't afford POUT. -pout- It was ok to bribe in the days before the TSA clearly. Two big, heavy bags and two carry ons, plus
a purse, a camera and a paper shopping bag. That's
how much I took with me then and that's how
much I WOULD take if I still could without the want of mailing half of it ahead of time and tipping the
@$%^^&* sky cap and extra $100 bucks and flashing a little more boob than is probably really legal in public.
I just saw the dumbest commercial ever... these
sisters get into a fight on this reality show and the announcer is all dramatic like this is the first
sister fight ever in history. Whatever! I don't even have siblings and I know about those fights. Duh.
Everyone does.
Ohkay, what the hell is going on with all these line breaks? Screw this. I'm not fixing all that! Pfft. Geez. MySpace has more fricking technical gremlins than boat load of classic European cars.
Poo on MySpace. Besides, there's a bug in this room and it's huge and flying and I think I need to find another room to be in because fearless bug killer guy is asleep on the couch!!!! Aaaaak!
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