I came across this Gallup article and my hide is so totally chapped.
Apparently now more Americans are "pro life" than "pro choice" for the first time. My question is WHY????
Why are our choices being diminished so much? (Not that Roe v. Wade has been overturned yet, but I fear it could be within my lifetime and a shame that will be if it does happen.) What the hell is wrong with people? Why do they think they should be allowed to make certain decisions for OTHER people? That just pisses me off. Consenting adults, as long as ALL parties with whom they choose to involve themselves are consenting adults, should be allowed to do with their bodies as they please.
Some would say, "oh, it's ohkay if she was raped or if it was incest." So a woman can cross those dirty rotten pro-life picket lines and say "I was raped" and they'll leave her alone? Really? Will she have to /prove/ she was raped? What if she doesn't WANT to press charges? What if she doesn't want to admit to incest? Why make her go through that to terminate an unwanted pregnancy?
How about the pro-life picketers mind their own business? How about the pro-life picketers line up at the orphanage to take care of those children? I mean, if it is really all about the children, then that would be very effective, wouldn't it? For the pro-life zealots to go take care of kids who NEED a parent... Oh... but that would mean putting up or shutting up and that is just not the zealot way.
Dear Governmental control freaks and Religious Right assholes, stay out of my business and I'll refrain from kicking you in the shins.
Best wishes,
PS... I am soooo tagging this as advice because if any zealot happens to read this, I want them to take mine!
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