So things can't be as bad as we think or hear about on the news, right?
No. They can't.
Why? Because we live in a world where Beavis (*the* Beavis) has a Wiki page. True story.
Speaking of Beavis... now stay with me, because this is a winding path... I was forced, no - I was tortured into watching Barrett-Jackson again tonight. The noises, I hear them in my sleep. Heeebiitttdy hebitty heb heb heb Thirty Three ammaw maw maw maw Forty Three four five five five awtibbity tibitty bitty bitty bitty Hum Hum Hummmmmmm SOLD!
I ~heart~ cars. I la la la loathe Barrett-Jackson.
It's the most unwatchable thing in the history of TeeVee and it is a big shiny symbol of the impending ruination of the muscle car hobby at the hands of rich assholes who buy them up and turn them into museum pieces. That is NOT where muscle cars belong. Nor do they belong on trailers. If they run, if they have good rubber then _drive_ the son of a bitch. That's why it's cool.
Anyway, Beavis is prone to kicking Butthead in the nads unprovoked. So I Twitter-Vowed to kick the auction jerkwad in the jewels if I ever meet him. Not only because I hear his obnoxious chattering in my sleep, but also because I completely dislike his role in taking my dreams of owning a Panther Pink Hemi 'Cuda away from me.
Which brings me to jewels and having a healthy sense of entitlement... Some chick was on the news tonight bitching and crying because Medicaid wouldn't pay $200 to have her abscessed tooth removed. So she ended up with all these problems. Wah wah wah. She says this and she's sitting in a nice home, and wearing gold rings and a gold necklace and nice clothes. She can afford bling-bling but she needs $200 of tax dollars to pay for her tooth??? Honey, get your priorities in order. You don't look physically or mentally challenged to me, get a job.
I shouldn't watch the news.
I shouldn't watch Barrett-Jackson either. Unfortunately, it was Mr. Buffie's turn to use the remote tonight. ...sigh...
Useful stuff folks. You'll be glad to know these things should you ever find yourself on Wheel of Fortune or COPS.
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