Fridays are usually awesome... just because they're Fridays, right? But do you every now and then have a SUPER awesome Friday?
Today was a good example of one.
First bonus - weather was almost not hot.
Second bonus - got a lot done at work and am currently working on a fun project.
Next bonus - had excellent noms today with excellent peeps at lunch.
Bonus after that bonus - did a short workout but at least I was able to drag my ass to the Y.
Even one more bonus after that bonus - one of my favorite Pauly Shore movies is on TeeVee.
If I keep going I'm just bragging bonus - only thing left on my to-do list today.... chill with my kitty cats and Mr. B while he snores on the sofa. :D >He's not feeling great tonight, unfortunately. No, I don't think it's swine flu although I haven't ruled out Ebola virus.<
A bunch of other little righteous events occurred today but I don't want to gloat ...more than I already have.
Psst... what is this sound? *bzz*bzz*bzz*bzz Give up? That's me, sending Super Awesome Friday Vibes to the world! [Said in my best Jeremy Clarkson voice.)
People who don't watch Top Gear are not going to get that joke.
People who do watch Top Gear - High Fives! Yeah!
Ohkay, bye now.