Friday, August 14, 2009

Buffie's Super Awesome Friday

Fridays are usually awesome... just because they're Fridays, right? But do you every now and then have a SUPER awesome Friday?


Today was a good example of one.

First bonus - weather was almost not hot.

Second bonus - got a lot done at work and am currently working on a fun project.

Next bonus - had excellent noms today with excellent peeps at lunch.

Bonus after that bonus - did a short workout but at least I was able to drag my ass to the Y.

Even one more bonus after that bonus - one of my favorite Pauly Shore movies is on TeeVee.

If I keep going I'm just bragging bonus - only thing left on my to-do list today.... chill with my kitty cats and Mr. B while he snores on the sofa. :D >He's not feeling great tonight, unfortunately. No, I don't think it's swine flu although I haven't ruled out Ebola virus.<

A bunch of other little righteous events occurred today but I don't want to gloat ...more than I already have.

Psst... what is this sound? *bzz*bzz*bzz*bzz Give up? That's me, sending Super Awesome Friday Vibes to the world! [Said in my best Jeremy Clarkson voice.)

People who don't watch Top Gear are not going to get that joke.

People who do watch Top Gear - High Fives! Yeah!

Ohkay, bye now.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where is your line drawn?

For example, on Twitter tonight, Tyson Ritter (meow) tweets "I have glitter on my dick" and I think to myself...

I don't know if that makes my happy place smile or not, but I DO know that the word "glitter" actually got my attention before the person who tweeted it did, even though he's dreamy (swoon).

Anyway, I have to give mad respect to the girlie girl who loves glitter so much she wears it on her hoo hoo... y'know, her "region" - and props for shagging Tyson Ritter, too. LoLz

Because even I draw the line at wearing glitter on my kaslopis.

Where is your line drawn?