Wednesday, October 21, 2009

When Bad Weekends Happen to Good Buffies

Last weekend was probably the worst damn string of events ever to happen to me. Or at least the worst that could happen without anyone dying.

But I learned something.

And it really wasn't "worth it". (How is "worth it" determined anyway?)

Friday night, for reasons I don't feel like discussing, I had to attend a high school football game. This involved 3 things I really fucking hate.


Some people are sexist. Some people are homophobic. Some people are elitist. Some people are racist.

Buffie is teen-ist.

I think that's a made-up word, but I don't know the real word for a person who hates teenagers as much as I do. Even when I was one, I hated it. You know why I hated it? Because of other teenagers.

I've said this before, but I'd rather face off with all of the Taliban on a bad turban day than have to spend 5 minutes with a person between the ages of 13 and 19.

Is it wrong of me to think like that? Yeah.

But you know what was MORE wrong??? How those fucking bastards treated me when I was a kid. So I feel like I have bloody earned the right to hate teenagers. I have also earned the right to hate frat pukes and other people who generally behave badly in public and in the presence of a fat person. All of them can go eat a scoop full of rat turds.

There were thousands of the sons of bitches there. One screamed in my face, completely unprovoked, and thought it was funny. Mr. Buffie considered knocking him the fuck out for a moment but thought better of it, what with the possibly going to the jail for the assault and all.

Poor Mr. Buffie. I practically rode him piggy-back all the way through the crowd. He had to hold onto both of my hands to assure himself I wouldn't randomly start smacking the ones who got too close to me.

You'd be proud of me though. I survived an entire 30 minutes before making a wild dash to the car and I didn't hit, poke, choke, kick, trip, shoot or shove a single one of them. I might have maybe kinda sorta perhaps accidentally shoulder checked a couple, but hey... you get in my space, I'll get in yours. Turn about is fair play, yes?

Mostly fair play.

They shoulder check me with a wimpy little piece of shit teen shoulder. I shoulder check back mad-fat-chick style and teen asshole spins like a top. I win! hee hee

Did I mention I have had bronchitis for two solid weeks? At the time I didn't know it was a flare up of bronchitis. I thought I was just really effing sick with the cold from hell and my mood was certainly not improved through abuse of NyQuil and obscene amounts of hot tea and whiskey. So let's add that to the weekend I hope goes down in history as the worst there ever was.

That sums up my Friday night.

Saturday I spent in a stupor, tissues shoved up my nostrils and a pillow over my face wishing for all the congestion in my head and chest to either turn to sand or explode and end my misery.

Lying down was completely futile because all the fluid nastiness in me made it impossible to breathe, meaning I got about 3 hours of actual sleep Saturday night.

Then there were the convulsive coughing fits that shook the foundation of my house and made me feel like I would literally pull the Kleenex away from my mouth only to see a chunk of my lung on it.

Now the sickness and the teenagers were really quite enough to make my weekend a total waste of time but ... unfortunately ... that wasn't all.

Guess what I got to do Sunday morning??!!

Wake up early.

Isn't that cute? A foul, snarling, snorting swamp beast being jerked out of slumber after only 3 hours of sleep.

Guess why!!?!?

To go to CHURCH!

Know what happens when you wake up a grumpy, ill, atheist, put her in uncomfortable "church" clothes and make her sit through the most awkward and dreary two hours of "I done so wrong and Jeeesus is pissed but he loves me anyways 'n I shure don't deserve it, oh Lawd, can you puhleeze fergive me and now let me sing to you some of the most depressing music you'll ever hear"?????

My Sunday. That's what you get.

I never understood why someone would be "militant" about something. That's why, even though I feel the way I do about religion, I would never ever in a million billion years have considered becoming a militant atheist.

Well, now I get it. I SOOOO totally get it.

Militant atheists probably don't get invited to church by their friends and family.

The dear people who invited us to church on this particular day, they mean the world to me. This certain day was extra special for one of them and they said it was so important to them for us to be there.

These same dear people asked me point blank, back in 2001, what church I attended. I politely explained I didn't. They wanted to know why. So I told them why. They said, "oh, that's alright, everyone is different."

I took that to mean they understood how I felt about church. I felt confident that I had explained my position on religion. For all I knew, on that day, it was made perfectly clear that myself and these wonderful people had different upbringings, different views and we were still cool with each other.

But over 8 years and a number of denied requests to attend church later... I'm starting to wonder if they didn't get the point.

Both of them were made aware back in 2001 that I was not looking for God but if I ever changed my mind, they'd be the first to know. Both of them assured me there would be no pressure. No attempts to convert me.

For the most part, they've stuck to that agreement. However, I have to wonder. Why keep inviting me to church???

It isn't like something happens there that a person like me wouldn't experience in Jesus-free settings. If I want to hear weepy awful music sang by a pleasant but off-key group of seniors in robes, I would go to a nursing home and host a singin-in-the-shower karaoke contest.

(BTW, why does there always have to be that one church lady who thinks she missed her calling to be on the stage of an opera as the star soprano and now she takes it out on everyone else in the church choir?) Whhaaaaaaaaaaaa Jeeeeeesssssuuuuuuuussssssss whaaaaaaaaaooooooaaaaa!!!!! Haaaaalllll-aaaaaaa-llllllooooooo-yyyyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! *BANG* (That's me, shooting myself in the ear.)

If I wanted coffee and donuts before a meeting where people cry, I would join a group therapy session that takes morning appointments.

If I wanted to sit in an uncomfortable chair while someone stands in front of me telling me how I do bad shit but they love me anyway, I'd go home, do something to piss off my mum then perch on a stool covered in thumb-tacks and listen to her chew my ass.

If I wanted to have my already suffering sinuses be put through torture by the smell of old, mothballs, furniture polish, dried flowers and too much stanky perfume, I'd visit Hobby Lobby on senior discount day on a July afternoon when the store a/c isn't working.

See? No church needed to experience any of the same church-things and I can do all of that shit minus Jesus stories... which in my opinion don't make a damn bit of sense anyway.

I don't know what Jesus really said. He didn't write any of that stuff in the bible. Other people did. And just as sure as I'm relating to you now the wretched things I went through this past weekend, if Mr. Buffie wrote the same story (cuz he was there through it all) I fucking assure you, his spin would be different than mine. So why should I have to trust what other uneducated people wrote down about shit they didn't understand in a time when there was no scientific thought put into much of anything and read a version of it that has been translated who-the-fuck-knows how many times by people who may or may not have been sticklers for accuracy and believe it's not only true but the like pinnacle of all truth in life? Uhm, no thanks.

Hey, if YOU wanna believe it, do it. More power to you. Oh please be my guest. And believe it with all your heart. Just don't ask me to believe it with you. Besides, your faith isn't affected by how I think, so don't worry about what is going to happen to my soul when I die. I'm not.

Now these people who invite me to church on a not-infrequent basis, they're usually rather understanding (as they should be) when I say no. They kind of make a squishy face and pretend to have momentarily forgotten the whole "Buffie doesn't do Jesus" thing. But lo and behold, they'll invite me again in another 6 months and we go through the confounded awkward mess all over again.

This one time though... I thought dammit, maybe they'll leave me the hell alone if I go just this once, and it should count in spades since it's a special occasion and all. Maybe this will make them happy and it'll be over with. I can consider it my good deed for the DECADE.

But no. No, no, no. Not not but no. Hell to tha no.

Now that I've gone this one time to appease them, I've been invited to come back by all the nice people there and even my dear (and I really don't say that sarcastically, I freaking love these people) friends (they're actually family) are inviting me again.

Listen, friends (technically relatives, but whatever, I consider you friends, too)... I adore you. I truly do. You're two of my favorite people in this whole world and I'd do damn near anything for you. Shit, I have gone to church for you. I'd almost rather set myself on fire than go to church, so appreciate that gesture for what it was. But ya gotta get it through your heads. This isn't something I care to repeat. Ever. I told you before, if I change my mind, I'll be all up in yer churchin. But that day hasn't come and if I were you, I wouldn't hold my breath.

I know you two love Jesus and I am positive Jesus loves ya right back. I realize church is a huge part of your lives, but it isn't the ONLY life you have. Like it or not, we're family. That means I'm part of your lives, too. And you're both a big part of mine. A part I love and cherish. We do tons of stuff together and we have a blast and the other stuff we do doesn't make one of us horrendously uncomfortable. Can't we just keep doing those things? Why does it have to be church?

Tell you what, if you're going to insist on inviting me to church, I'm going to start inviting you to blues concerts and burlesque shows. I know loud music and scantily clad chicks shaking their asses isn't your thing but tit for tat, hey?

I'll even trade you one for one. For every time you go to a dive bar or a nudie show with me, I'll go to a meeting of the God Squad with you. Fair?

Getting my point now?

That's what I thought.

Since being a militant atheist isn't really my style, I'll just return your church invitations with requests for you to join me for cheeseburgers at the Shady Lady or I'll ask you to a Rumblejetts show.

Because I know you two love naked tits and raucous jams as much as I love bible time. (Holy shit! This blog is long.)

In the end, I learned that if only my weekend had more strippers, beer and rockabilly music, and less teens and apostles, it probably wouldn't have sucked such a huge bag of dicks.

Friday, October 16, 2009

People of Wal-Mart. They've got it. You WISH you had it.

Ahhh, the People of Wal-Mart.

You know you've been there. It's ohkay. I have too. I've shamelessly laughed at and mocked them like the rest of you.

They're freaky. They dress funny. Some don't dress at all. There's fatness, oldness, red-neck-ness, and straight up hot-mess-ness.

But I was thinking today about them and I realized something that surprised me.

I mock them because I'm jealous.

They have something many of us wish we had or had more of... pure unapologetic moxy.

People of Wal-Mart are DOING what we all want to do but are too afraid. They dare to be only who they are and wear only what they want and drive vehicles that make big bold statements about the contents of their souls.

Can I say I have the cojones to wear this? Nope. Sure don't. Not to Wal-Mart. But this lady DOES have the guts. She is working her neon spandex and clearly doesn't give a flying bit of a shit what we have to say about it. She's sending us all a message. It's an important message.

She's telling us we don't decide what she wears. SHE decides what she wears and if she wants to wear a hot pink micro mini that's so tight she probably had to use non-stick spray to get into it, then fuck all, she's gonna do it. She's gonna do it and take her hot fat pink ass to Wal-Mart and haters be damned.

You know how that makes me feel? Jealous.

I totally envy attitude like that. I wish I had a fraction of it. Maybe some day I will.

One of these days I won't be hiding behind a computer and trolling because I'll be out doing whatever the fuck I want and I won't give half a shit who has a problem with it.

And the next time I'm scoping out the recent posts on POWM, it won't be for giggles, it'll be for inspiration.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

WARNING: Google May Cause Good Deeds.

Like everyone knows who Byron Allen is, right? Y'know - he's that hack dude always who is always trying to break into showbiz?

That guy has been around forever, always on some late-nite low-budget quasi-entertainment/sports news comedy show starring him, written by him, produced by him, directed by him, edited by him?

I consider him just one step above an infomercial actor. Anyway, for laughs I Googled him. He's only got 1.3 million hits.

That made me feel bad for clowning on him so much. I had to make amends.

Hey Byron, let me make it up to you. "Byron Allen" There. Now you have 1.3 million & 1 hits.

Even his Wiki page is kinda sad...

Geez. We should help this guy out. Everyone try to use "Byron Allen" in a sentence tomorrow. Let's see if we can give him a boost.

*If you are reading this and thinking - "Duuude, I don't effing get that. Byron who?" Chances are you don't often suffer from insomnia and if you do, you have more options than local network TV to occupy your time.

*Dear Mr. Buffie, thank you for talking me into getting pay-TeeVee for the first time in 2004. I don't know how I ever lived without it. I also don't know how I managed to make it to age 22 before I had a television with a remote control. Additionally, I don't know why I am not getting up right now to retrieve the remote from your sound-asleep grasp to change the channel. I am further mystified as to why instead I have opted to watch Byron Fucking Allen again.

Did YOU do a good deed today? ~smugly looks around the room~

Friday, August 14, 2009

Buffie's Super Awesome Friday

Fridays are usually awesome... just because they're Fridays, right? But do you every now and then have a SUPER awesome Friday?


Today was a good example of one.

First bonus - weather was almost not hot.

Second bonus - got a lot done at work and am currently working on a fun project.

Next bonus - had excellent noms today with excellent peeps at lunch.

Bonus after that bonus - did a short workout but at least I was able to drag my ass to the Y.

Even one more bonus after that bonus - one of my favorite Pauly Shore movies is on TeeVee.

If I keep going I'm just bragging bonus - only thing left on my to-do list today.... chill with my kitty cats and Mr. B while he snores on the sofa. :D >He's not feeling great tonight, unfortunately. No, I don't think it's swine flu although I haven't ruled out Ebola virus.<

A bunch of other little righteous events occurred today but I don't want to gloat ...more than I already have.

Psst... what is this sound? *bzz*bzz*bzz*bzz Give up? That's me, sending Super Awesome Friday Vibes to the world! [Said in my best Jeremy Clarkson voice.)

People who don't watch Top Gear are not going to get that joke.

People who do watch Top Gear - High Fives! Yeah!

Ohkay, bye now.

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Where is your line drawn?

For example, on Twitter tonight, Tyson Ritter (meow) tweets "I have glitter on my dick" and I think to myself...

I don't know if that makes my happy place smile or not, but I DO know that the word "glitter" actually got my attention before the person who tweeted it did, even though he's dreamy (swoon).

Anyway, I have to give mad respect to the girlie girl who loves glitter so much she wears it on her hoo hoo... y'know, her "region" - and props for shagging Tyson Ritter, too. LoLz

Because even I draw the line at wearing glitter on my kaslopis.

Where is your line drawn?

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

*^_^* I Don't Just Make This Stuff Up *^_^*

Long hours of careful research go into my ramblings here, so I hope you're paying close attention!

I would have 10 more useable hours in my day if I didn't have to spend so much time thinking about my boobs. Where are they; what are they doing; between my boobs and my bra, who is currently winning; is my undershirt showing? It's a full-time job chasing these dogs around the yard, I tell you what!

So next time you think about me and wonder what I'm doing... I'm boob wrangling.

Yeeeee Hawwwww!

Friday, June 26, 2009

All Aboad the Bipolar Express!

If mood swings were amusement park rides, I would be more fun than Disney World.

Thursday was awesome. Friday I felt so... judged. -shudder- It was like high school all over again.

Have I ever mentioned how fucking awful high school was?

Back then, I didn't understand how much those people would ultimately not matter to me. It's not that I wanted them to like me and it's not that I agreed with their opinions of me. I just wanted them to leave me alone. To me, it wasn't asking for the world but I wanted so badly to be invisible to them. I figured people couldn't effectively attack what they didn't know was there.

They hated me for being fat. Put me down. Told me I should hate myself for it. Told me I needed to lose weight, change how I looked, change how I dressed, blah blah blah... They did it every single fucking day. Even physically assaulted me from time to time. Pushing me down, knocking my books out of my hands. They taught me how to hate, that is for sure.

Yesterday, I told a friend about going to my first HS reunion and how I never planned on going until Mr. Buffie talked me into and I just resisted the whole way there. Only stayed for 45 minutes, but in that time I learned a lot.

I learned that the people who really went out of their ways to treat me like shit were living miserable pathetic lives. Makes sense, they were miserable and pathetic in high school and zebras don't tend to change their stripes.

I also learned that we underdogs moved on and were stronger for surviving the experience. Seemed like most of us geeks, nerds and dorks are doing just fine.

The attempts to bring us down by the miserable, cruel and hateful ones didn't have much success. For me, it was motivation to get the fuck out of there as quickly as possible and get on with life in a world where they didn't exist.

So far my plan is working. Hee hee hee.

Heads up to you "popular" mean kids in high school, those of you who think you're so damn cool and get a bang out of humiliating your less-than-trendy classmates ... enjoy it now because after graduation, it's all downhill for you. Next time you're at the gas station, take a good look at the person selling you cigarettes with your fake ID. That's you in 1 to 4 years and it will continue to be you until you die of loneliness or go to prison for your 5th DUI or defaulting on your child support, whichever comes first. If I were you (and I'm glad I'm not and never was) I'd be a little nicer rather than suffer the wrath that karma is going to rain down on your designer knock-off ass later.

Today I don't feel judged anymore. LoLz Glad that passed. Guess a distant memory came back to haunt me for a second and now it's gone. Eventually it won't even be a memory because if I keep trying really hard, I will someday kill those particular brain cells with prescription meds and lots of alcohol. Kidding! Only kidding. You guys know I don't drink that much. Ha!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

The Toughest Girl Alive is also a Super Hero.

I was first introduced do Candye Kane in 2002 back when Kansas City had an amazing historic blues venue called The Grand Emporium.

Had no idea who she was before that night, had no idea who I was there to see. Her band started playing and from behind the crowd this devastatingly gorgeous woman comes forward and onto the stage. Then out of her mouth comes a VOICE. A powerful, feminine incredible voice all full of soul, wisdom and sweetness.

And that's when I knew there was a new favorite in my music collection.

There's more to it than that though.

Not only is Candye blessed with a musical talent I can't help but envy - chick is hawt, ohkay. Slammin hot and like fully aware of it without apology. Same as me, she's a chunky monkey and she soooo gets it. She's been there - in this world where thin is perpetually in. Makes no difference to her. Same as me again, she loves herself for who she is and she appreciates the fact that she's beautiful. Hollywood whippets can go screw themselves. Starving to be skinny is for losers. Curves are beautiful. Curves and appreciating oneself is something to sing about! And she does and it's really neato!

Since that night at the Grand Emporium, I've had the good fortune to see her perform buches. I try to never miss her show when she's in town, or even near town.

Last night, I got lucky again, seeing her at Knuckleheads. Her current line-up (and my favorite thus far) includes adorable son Evan on drums (talented, just like his momma), Laura Chavez on guitar (another new favorite of mine), and Paul Loranger on bass (he was a perfect fit with the rest of them, awesome)!

Sadly, The Grand Emporium closed a couple years ago. (Big bummer.) For reasons I don't know. Knuckleheads has become a most suitable substitute though. The joint has a casual cool biker-y atmosphere. Crowds tend to be mature, relaxed, there for a good time. Not a shred of that icky meat-market-ness to the place at all.

So last night (and I had been looking forward to it for months) was a triple-hitter blues show with this keyboard player guy's band, a local band, and CANDYE!

Now if I may be less than complimentary for a moment, or several moments...

The show started nearly an hour late. I'm not sure, but I think the first band may have been being a bit diva-ish with the sound/stage set up. Not real certain why, but they took their sweet time getting started. Had it been a Saturday night, I don't think I would have cared, but dammit, it was Friday. I was up early that morning for work and a super late night was going to take more energy than I really had if they were going to drag ass like that.

That band was alright. Bleh. I equally have nothing horrible or fantastic to say about them. The keyboard guy and his guitarist both made pretty bizarre faces though. Kinda skeeved me out. Picture John Mayer's guitar faces except if John Mayer looked like either a Ramone or a miniature Steve Perry. Either way - gross.

Then bit by bit, a local band started to join the first band on stage. Some dear friends have been telling me for weeks what a super group this local one is. So it might have been a bit unfair, but I had high expectations. Much. Too. High.

The local guitar player first joined the first band for a song. Competent player, but zero charm. A fully pedestrian performance. Then comes the singer, who is also sister to the guitar player. Competent singer, but zero charm. (Starting to notice a pattern?)

Now I realize style has no bearing on musical ability, and Candye Kane is not only a tough act to follow, but a very difficult act to precede as she has style for miles... and miles and miles and miles. Her fabulous style is only outdone by her tremendous talent.

The glaring lack of X-factor by both the first band and the local one made the wait to see Candye ugh so tiresome.

Once the locals were on the stage just the three of them, things went from tedious to nerve-grating in a hurry. They seemed to think they were headlining. Some of their fans were also INSANELY RUDE. Almost all the front row tables were reserved for their family and friends. That's bullshit, yo. They are /local/. Their family and friends can see them anytime, any night, anywhere around Kansas City. They don't need to reserve the entire front row all the way around the stage. That space should have been for Candye fans or at the very least first-come-first-served.

The local band had special guest washboard lady join them for a number of songs. I saw washboard lady jam with Candye once a couple years ago. Cute little chick can really whip that washboard but in total honesty, I'd rather hear her play bongos or something.

Because our locals were having such a good little time with themselves and their washboard friend, they decided to do EXTRA SONGS. Isn't that nice? Since the show started late and all, and since the entire front row (who also arrived an hour late) was there to see the local kids, and since the kids seemed to think they were final act of the evening, let's just do 3 or 4 extra songs since none of the rest of the crowd had to get up early that morning or anything and obviously no one came to see Candye anyway................................. not.

I was really disappointed. I wanted to like them. I truly did. They came so highly recommended by some very good friends and now I'm going to hope for the next two or three weeks that said friends don't ask my opinion... because I don't want to say anything bad.

The most complimentary way I can describe them is - If Donny and Marie Osmond cloned Donny to make a trio, then took away that Osmond sincerity but kept the capable musicianship - add some rude fans (who didn't have enough space in their front-row reserved area and seemed to think the laps of myself and my friend made suitable seats) and you've got our local group. See what I mean? If you can't say anything nice... well... then you just can't say anything nice even when you try to say something nice.

Perhaps had I not been there to see Candye and perhaps if it hadn't been dragging on for so miserably long and perhaps if I hadn't been expecting so much more and perhaps if it had been a different venue where the family-reunion-talent-show schtick fit better... I don't know. Sometimes people just don't dig something. Doesn't mean there's anything wrong with it. Just not a certain person's flavr. That band is not mai flavr.

The family band thing is cute, but it's maybe a little too cutesy (their version anyway) for blues. When you do blues, you need to exude a genuineness and they just didn't to me. It was like reading a book on blues how-to then saying "oh, I can do that." Blues comes from the soul, their blues seemed to come from ... a book. Sigh. (Will refrain from further discussing them or their cutesy "let's all do a shot and recite a little gimmick saying" ritual or their obnoxious front-row peeps. Popularity doesn't mean shit. The Jonas Brothers are hella popular, but that doesn't equate to a person having to like the Jonas Brothers based on the sole fact that they're popular.)

Finally, three and a half hours later, I got to see Candye. It was completely worth the wait, completely worth suffering through the first two bands, completely worth having two ding-bat women sitting in front of me, inching ever closer through the night and bumping (at some points slamming) into my friend and me countless times.

Candye is back and more badass than ever after kicking the shit out of cancer last year. Some people have talked BS and junk on her for losing weight but so the fuck what?! Hey assholes, Candye Kane is MORE than a number on a scale. I don't care how big or small she is, she will always be a sincere and generous bringer of good vibes and a bearer of all that is inspiring about the blues - songs that touch you emotionally, songs that come right out of her soul and through to my happy little ears by way of her most awesome voice and righteous band.

This new guitar player of hers, Laura Chavez... hot damn what chops! The kind of chops that could make someone become really arrogant because they're so good there's no way they can't know how fucking good they are. Not a gram of arrogance in her. She is, to me, like... if Stevie Ray Vaughan came back to life as a cute chick from California. Yeah, I said Stevie Ray Vaughan. Because she's /that/ good.

Evan, Candye's son/drummer, he started great and he gets better every time. Sometimes I wonder if talent is genetic. In his case, it must be.

Her bass player is apparently no stranger to music from what I've read, but this was the first time I've seen him. Paul Loranger. Not only did he look adorable in his bowling shirt, he did what all the greatest bass players do - fit in with the rest of the band to make most excellent music type noises. Holla!

Did I mention this is my favorite Candye line-up yet? I think I did. But it's tooootally worth saying again.

I wish I could have stayed for the entire show but I was so thoroughly worn out. It had been a very long day. My dear patient friend who had never experienced Candye was a super trooper, sticking with me through the late start of the first band and the stage-hogging of the second act and the bugs! I forgot to mention the bugs and the cotton fuzzies everywhere. Ewww!!!

One fuzzy even went up my nose. Aaak!

After enjoying Candye for shamefully too short of a time, we did have to go though. My friend is a jewel for driving me there and I didn't want her to be completely dog ass tired driving us home through the onslaught of drunk drivers.

Candye is playing again soon in Omaha and Chicago. Maybe if I'm super nice to Mr. Buffie....


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The glass is half empty? The glass is half full? Doesn't matter, I just need enough to swallow this pill...

So things can't be as bad as we think or hear about on the news, right?

No.  They can't.

Why?  Because we live in a world where Beavis (*the* Beavis) has a Wiki page.  True story.

Speaking of Beavis... now stay with me, because this is a winding path... I was forced, no - I was tortured into watching Barrett-Jackson again tonight.  The noises, I hear them in my sleep.  Heeebiitttdy hebitty heb heb heb Thirty Three ammaw maw maw maw Forty Three four five five five awtibbity tibitty bitty bitty bitty Hum Hum Hummmmmmm SOLD!


I ~heart~ cars.  I la la la loathe Barrett-Jackson.  

It's the most unwatchable thing in the history of TeeVee and it is a big shiny symbol of the impending ruination of the muscle car hobby at the hands of rich assholes who buy them up and turn them into museum pieces.  That is NOT where muscle cars belong.  Nor do they belong on trailers.  If they run, if they have good rubber then _drive_ the son of a bitch.  That's why it's cool.

Anyway, Beavis is prone to kicking Butthead in the nads unprovoked.  So I Twitter-Vowed to kick the auction jerkwad in the jewels if I ever meet him.  Not only because I hear his obnoxious chattering in my sleep, but also because I completely dislike his role in taking my dreams of owning a Panther Pink Hemi 'Cuda away from me.

Which brings me to jewels and having a healthy sense of entitlement...  Some chick was on the news tonight bitching and crying because Medicaid wouldn't pay $200 to have her abscessed tooth removed.  So she ended up with all these problems.  Wah wah wah.  She says this and she's sitting in a nice home, and wearing gold rings and a gold necklace and nice clothes.  She can afford bling-bling but she needs $200 of tax dollars to pay for her tooth???  Honey, get your priorities in order.  You don't look physically or mentally challenged to me, get a job.

I shouldn't watch the news.

I shouldn't watch Barrett-Jackson either.  Unfortunately, it was Mr. Buffie's turn to use the remote tonight.  ...sigh...

Useful stuff folks.  You'll be glad to know these things should you ever find yourself on Wheel of Fortune or COPS.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Is she really going /there/? Oh yes. I am SO going there.

I came across this Gallup article and my hide is so totally chapped.

Apparently now more Americans are "pro life" than "pro choice" for the first time. My question is WHY????

Why are our choices being diminished so much? (Not that Roe v. Wade has been overturned yet, but I fear it could be within my lifetime and a shame that will be if it does happen.) What the hell is wrong with people? Why do they think they should be allowed to make certain decisions for OTHER people? That just pisses me off. Consenting adults, as long as ALL parties with whom they choose to involve themselves are consenting adults, should be allowed to do with their bodies as they please.

Some would say, "oh, it's ohkay if she was raped or if it was incest." So a woman can cross those dirty rotten pro-life picket lines and say "I was raped" and they'll leave her alone? Really? Will she have to /prove/ she was raped? What if she doesn't WANT to press charges? What if she doesn't want to admit to incest? Why make her go through that to terminate an unwanted pregnancy?

How about the pro-life picketers mind their own business? How about the pro-life picketers line up at the orphanage to take care of those children? I mean, if it is really all about the children, then that would be very effective, wouldn't it? For the pro-life zealots to go take care of kids who NEED a parent... Oh... but that would mean putting up or shutting up and that is just not the zealot way.

Dear Governmental control freaks and Religious Right assholes, stay out of my business and I'll refrain from kicking you in the shins.

Best wishes,

PS... I am soooo tagging this as advice because if any zealot happens to read this, I want them to take mine!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Nice Chevelle.

Mr. Buffie says - Our garage is full, you can't keep them all and something has to go.

So I stand in the door and admire my little collection.

There's Billy Idol, my badass white Z28.
There's Bart, Mr. Buffie's '62 Dart.
There's the Yeti, our junky truck.
There's a RX7 that's a project car we don't plan to keep.
There's Hubert Cumberdale, my Jaguar XJR.
and there's Josie, my most awesome of all, the '69 Olds Cutlass.

I've been struggling with this decision since last month, when he asked me if I wanted another Jag.  (Like, hello!  Who says no to that?!?!)  So I've known for a while I was going to be making a choice between Billy Idol and Josie.

Unfortunately, I picked Josie.  ~cry~

She's awesome, so very awesome.  But Billy does get somewhat better gas mileage and let's face it, fuel injection is boss.  But Josie has more soul.  You can't put a value on that. 

However, Billy Idol has airbags and shoulder seat belts, plus he's got a bitchin sound system (that I use responsibly because disturbing the peace is fucking rude, yo)...  so there are advantages.   Besides, almost every time I drive Josie, it never fails someone comes up to me and says "I like your Chevelle".  

Gah!  Chevelle???  Are you serious?

Oh, tonight even... Mr. Buffie took Josie to a local car show to see if any of our friends would be interested in buying her (a few are so I think she will go to a good home).  And he came back and said some fellow walked up and asked him "what year is your Chevelle?"

At a car show.


Normally, the "nice Chevelle" comments happen at the bank or the gas station where random vehicularly-challenged people are.  You don't expect those people to be at a car show.


Have I mentioned how glad I am that Friday is over.  My Friday sucked so bad.  Ugh.  Thursday was pretty awesome.  Had a delicious Thai dinner with a good friend I haven't seen in almost a year.  Love her ten tons and we laughed so hard all night I went home sore.

Friday on the other hand, blah.  Started off wonky because I have damaged yet another toe.  In the middle of the night, as usual, get up to go pee and tripped over the ottoman at the foot of my bed.

The next morning, Mr. Buffie - ever the nurturer (not) - says "I read a statistic a couple years ago that most home injuries happen because of furniture at the base of the bed and that it's the worst place to put furniture..."  Oh.  Nice.  Thanks.  So helpful.  That ottoman has been there for 8 or 9 years and he's telling me this just now.  MEN!

So I limped around all day at the office.  My toe is purple and puffed up and it still hurts but it's getting better.  

The day was busy which usually doesn't bother me, but I had constant interruptions which really makes me crazy in my head.  I felt like I couldn't get any one thing accomplished and having 14 half-finished projects going on all day made me feel like the wheels were spinning but I wasn't getting anywhere.  Even stayed at work until almost 7 p.m. and took paperwork home just trying to wrap up the last of the tasks because who wants to walk in on Monday to a bunch of shit waiting for you?  Not me.

Worst part of Friday?  Someone tried to tell me they knew me better than I know myself.  Locked my gears clean up.  Kinda hurt, if I'm being honest.  Over it now, but at the time it was like - ouch, that came outta nowhere.

Bygones!  It's Saturday and life is goooood.  I have a nice Chevelle (ha), kitty cats, Mr. Buffie, delicious tacos for lunch-slash-dinner (I ate at 4, what do you call a meal at that hour when you're under the age of 63?).

I just did Versa Spa at the tanning salon.  It's the kickass spray tan shit that moisturizes you, bronzes you, then blows you dry!  WIN!

Bleached my teeth, painted my toenails, did several mundane domestic things, took some pills for my ouchie toe and now I'm looking forward to tomorrow because I am going to go get my nails done, maybe touch up my hair, brush the cats, work on my website and place a Mary Kay order.  Yay fun!  Don't I sound super exciting???  -poke poke-  WAKE UP, hellllooooooo...

Don'tcha wish yer Chevelle was hot like mine?

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh my god, oh my god you guys!

Legally Blonde - The Musical

I'm SO there! It's coming to Kansas City in June and July and Mr. Buffie, the consummate good sport, is going to take me. Awww! 

(Don't exert yourselves giving him props just yet ladies. Because he did, however, say he refused to "suffer through" Mamma Mia a second time. Wuss.)

Anyone have the pleasure of seeing this tour of Legally Blonde yet?

Unfortunately, it won't have Laura Bell Bundy as Elle, but at least it won't have that dreadful Bailey Hanks either.  (On the MTV search for Elle Woods, she was the absolute /least/ like Elle of anyone.  Catty, snide, so not cute... and that speech impediment killed me.)

If my sources are correct, there's even a possibility that Lauren Zakrin will be playing Elle during some of the Kansas City shows. Keep your fingers crossed that it's the one I see! She was my favorite from the MTV search.

Oh my god, oh my god you guys!!!! Snaps! I'm so excited!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Totally Moving My Blog from MySpace to a more "grown up" place.

Don't worry.  I'm not getting all mature or boring on ya peeps.  My extra dumb MySpace blog sometimes gets weird, so I'm moving it here.  No big whoop.

The next several posts will be old entries that I transfer here.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Buffie's Most Very Helpful Tip of the Day! Adjust Yer attitoood. 15Apr09

PMS? Irritation? World getting on your last effing nerve?

Here, I fix for you. Follow instructions:

You'll need 5 minutes.
The internet.

Mix the above ingredients with the following (whatever just do it!):

Garfield Minus Garfield. _No, I didn't stutter._

You can has LoLcat.

Cute things falling asleep. No, srsly, it's cute things falling asleep!

At end of 5 minutes, cobb, stick or head, whatever is rammed up your ass and screwing up yer attitude, it fall out. All better. Please pay at front desk.

Thank you.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Did "God" tell them personally or something? 06Apr09

The laundry was finished. Ate dinner. The dishwasher was loaded and running. Trash taken out. Surfaces wiped down. Kitty box changed. Too late to hit the grocery store. Finished the work I brought home from the office.

It's official. I literally had nothing better to do.

So I started digging around on YouTube. First looking at some ghost thing that was supposed to be funny. It wasn't. In the 'related videos' thing, I looked at something about Sylvia Browne. She's looney but is probably a lot of fun when she's drunk.

One thing led to another and next thing you know, I'm watching a video of Nut Job Shirley Phelps on a Fox show trying in vain to defend herself.

[~shudder~ I feel like I need to take a shower.]

She has to fall into one of 4 categories.

1 - Severely mentally ill (possibly due to inbreeding - have you /seen/ the Phelps family?)
2 - Massive attention whore (could be a combination of 1 and 2.)
3 - There must be some secret way they make money off this.
4 - A little bit of all of the above.

The conversation eventually turned to "sin" and how god is "punishing" the USA for accepting gay people.

She used the term "because we don't obey" a lot. Obey what? The bible? What about people who DO obey? What if they die in the war? Is that cool, too? Are they going to protest that funeral like all the others?

(For the record, Buffie does not subscribe to the Bible, but that doesn't mean I don't think about religious stuff or have curiosity. Just not my personal belief... thing.)

Now if I am going by Shirley Wacky Ass's description of sin - the following things are bad:
Being gay.
Accepting gay people.
Having gay friends.
Doing anything related to gay-ness and not hating the shit out of it.

On the other hand, according to Shirley Phucktard, the following things are NOT bad:
Protesting a funeral for a soldier who gave their life for our freedoms.
Trying to make a stranger feel like shit for being at said soldier's funeral.
Calling someone a "bimbo" (she did on Fox) or a "pervert" (she has on a crap ton of other shows).
Having snaggly disgusting hair and freaky gross horse teeth.
Excessive use of sarcasm in the name of the Lawd.
Oh... and apparently the word "ass" isn't a swear because she uses it a lot and she must think she's all perfect and junk because that bible book says people who don't sin are the ones allowed to throw rocks at other people.


That's what I learned. Fascinating.

Wait. It gets better.

She says her "church" isn't supposed to be popular. She says the bible says people are supposed to hate her church. To that I say - Mission Accomplished! 

Crazy cunt actually got one right. Whaddaya know?

I'm still not real sure what the goal of the Westboro Psycho Klan Church is supposed to be because no one could get the ignorant bitch to stop ranting long enough to answer a question directly. Anyone got a clue on this one? (No sarcasm or weird answers that are actually questions, please. I got enough of that from the spaz hag herself.)

Also, does anybody else suspect that Phred Phelps himself started the whole "god hates fags" thing because he is (unfortunately for gay people everywhere) in the closet and scared of being judged for being gay? Just sayin... insecurity is often the root of over-compensation.... think about it.....

There you go. That's how I spent my evening. And that's about all the time I think I can devote to something as worthless and insignificant as those Phelps douchebags in Topeka. Let's just hope they stay the hell there. Other people in Topeka, you might want to move elsewhere.... I know I would.

This is was inbred ignorant hate looks like: 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

One Peep Over the Line 26Mar09

Having grown up like I did... in a family that just doesn't do organized religion... Easter doesn't mean the same thing to me as it does a lot of other people. And it isn't a judgmental statement or a bad thing, it's just what it is.

To give you an idea of Easter in the Buffie Family, my mum sent me a card this week. It's says "It's not Easter 'til there's plastic grass coming out of the cat's butt."

Get the picture? LoL

My friend was talking about Peeps yesterday. It's been soooo long since I've had Peeps. So on the way home from work last night I got some at CVS. A package of 10. Chicks. Yellow.

They were all gone before dinner today. 

Spent most of the afternoon in a nervous sweat, vibrating like a cold Chihuahua. Not pretty. I did not, surprisingly, literally climb the walls, but I think I might know why people who are high on PCP always take off their clothes, climb a building and end up on COPS. It's been a ... day. It's been a day. That's all I can really say about it because I don't remember a whole lot other than dusting yellow-dyed sugar off my boobs and licking marshmallow off my fingers.

This is your brain. This is your brain on Peeps.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

My cat's got knees. 24Mar09

If you cannot count to ten, please watch this instructional video from our friends at and learn.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Guess I /could/ actually follow through - for once. 19Mar09

This is the blog I was going to post last night until I decided not to. (Why I decided not to is irrelevant.)

I was massively pissed off when I wrote it (can you tell? LOL). And even though I think it's generally a bad idea to perpetuate negativity, there are times when a girl has had just about all she can take. Saturday night was one of those times.

Do I think it will ever change? No, not really. I don't think the day will come when I can go where ever I want and never have to encounter this kind of thing again. We just don't live in that kind of world.

I do feel like I've kept my mouth shut about it so many times, that I owe it to myself to try something different. Instead of ignoring it like I usually try to do, the other day I decided to face it as head on as I can and say what I've always wanted to say, but didn't out of manners and crap.

The best policy for dealing with bullies, idiots and assholes is to ignore them. Really it is. I learned that a long time ago. To acknowledge they even exist is often more than they deserve. But you know how it is, gotta mix it up sometimes. Got to go against the status quo and scream when you should be whispering.

So here goes.

(Oh... I apologize in advance for being a downer. I'll make up for it next time and blog about wack stuff that isn't so forking serious! *SMOOCHIES*)

Dear Mizzou Losers at El Maguey on Saturday night,

Yes, I did hear you. So warning each other to “not be so loud about it” was just about the most pointless thing you could have done. And considering the source, that’s saying volumes because you all probably lead lives that are defined by pointlessness.

Fat people, contrary to what you may think (if you’re even capable of thought) are not always deaf. In fact, some of us hear exceptionally well. Especially when a table full of drunken fuckups out on the town and without dates (not surprising) is loudly expressing distaste at the sight of a large woman trying to enjoy a nice meal with her husband and her father.

Be thankful, useless losers, that my dad didn’t hear you. I am thankful for that myself because I would hate to see him go to jail for beating you the way you likely will be someday when you’re in prison. Be thankful, buttfuckers, that my husband didn’t hear you, because he can inflict nastiness on a vehicle that no army of mechanics could un-do. Be thankful none of you are worth their time.

Perhaps I sound like a scorned person blowing off steam from the comfort of the internet. In some ways, I am. But keep in mind that _I_ am not the one who talked shit on _you_ then hid behind menus and snickered like a bunch of ill-mannered 8 year-olds. I am not the one who can’t act right in the company of others. I am not the one who makes my parents ashamed of me. I am not the one who is an embarrassment to be seen with in public.

I’m talking major shit on you right now and owning every last bit of it. Not anonymously, not trying to hide it, not attempting to disguise myself in any way. Brave enough to respond? Please do. I am actually interested to know why you hate fat people. 

Did a fat person do something to you personally in your past and you’re too ignorant to know that it isn’t necessary to hate all fat people due to the actions of one individual? If that’s the case, did their fatness somehow play a part in the way they allegedly wronged you? I fucking dare you to answer that question fully and completely. Prove me wrong. Show me that you can articulate an answer. Demonstrate that you can justify your actions. Go for it. My email is Leave a comment on my blog if you want. I’ll post it for everyone to see. Or do I have bigger balls than you?

Do you hate fat people just because you’re too backwoods stumpwater college puke drunk immature and stupid to think for yourself and because Hollywood says thin is in, you can’t see beyond it? You don’t have the energy or the impetus to have an open mind or independent beliefs? Are you too lazy to formulate your own opinions? Enquiring minds sincerely want to know.

Know why I’m above you? Let me spell it out – I hate you almost as much as you hate me. The difference is – I didn’t hate you until you gave me a reason. You hated me just because you had nothing better to do and a mind too small to do anything about it. The other difference is, I am telling you why I hate you. Had I not been concerned about the legal ramifications for my husband and my dad defending me, I would have told you right then and there what I’m telling you now. However my love for my family comes leaps, bounds and miles before my desire to try and straighten out backwards-thinking ignorant bastards like you.

Next time you pull some hateful shit like that on a stranger in public, I hope it isn’t someone with as much will power as me. I hope you mess with a fat person who is angry, armed and unstable; and I hope they unleash a wrath on you that even your next door neighbor will never forget. I also hope that I am never in the same county as you pathetic turds, but if I am, I do hope you’re still as dumb as you are now and I hope I get to witness the lot of you receiving much deserved bruises, busted lips, black eyes and bloody noses.

Try dressing better or growing up and maybe you won’t be having date-less dinners with your worthless friends so much.

May you all succumb to STDs and intestinal parasites.


PS... I don't know if you pukes really attend school at Mizzou or not, but several of you were wearing Mizzou shirts. So if you don't really go there, then you're totally regoddamnedtarded for spending money on the clothes. LaLaLaLame!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mr. Buffie Doesn't Do. 26Feb09

Our friends like to tease Mr. Buffie about his penchant for being particular. When it comes to food, music, cars, clothes, computers, anything. You name it, he can name something about it he doesn't like.

So I started making a list of things Mr. Buffie Doesn't Do.

Here we go.

Mr. Buffie doesn't do:

Raw green vegetables.
Prince music.
America's Next Top Model.
Sauces containing vinegar.
Domestic beer.
Fancy trucks.
Led Zeppelin.
Pet rodents.
Flip flops.
Whole milk.
Taco Bueno.
Cold weather.
Calvin Klein fragrances.
Dave Matthews' voice.
Ape-hanger handlebars.
Small boobs.
Folding laundry.
Modern interior design.
Microsoft products.
Negotiating for "car lengths" on Pinks.
Fringed jackets.
Facial piercings.
Text messages.
Economy cars.
Memphis style BBQ.
Celine Dion.
Cold sandwiches.
Abstract art.
Hi-top sneakers.
Wood working.
Chocolate chips in his ice cream.
Punk music.
Diet cola.
Sports on TV.
Make up tutorials on YouTube.
Any kind of pr0n with a 'core'.
Card games.
Supreme pizza.
Instant messaging.
Port wines.
Honky Tonk songs.
Sleeping in.
Pie ala mode.
Spin Magazine.
Alfredo sauce.
Cole slaw.
Persian cats.
Shrimp scampi.
Anything on the Oxygen channel.
80's era Corvettes.
Wax museums.
Gangsta rap.
Broccoli and cheese soup.
Video games.
Chip dip.
The Bee Gees.
Foreign films.
Salad dressing.
Cake with ice cream.
Line dancing.
Bleu cheese.
Baseball cards.
Horseback riding.
French cuisine.
Refrigerated peanut butter.
Pimp My Ride.
Bow hunting.
Religious films.
Pointy toe shoes.
Pinkie rings.
European Techno music.
Science fiction novels.
Body building.
Turkey burgers.
Competitive ice skating.
Electric cars.
Rob Thomas as a solo artist.

The end.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Original Sin - How it /rilly/ happened. 14Feb09

This summary is not available. Please click here to view the post.

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Buffie Wastes a Minute of Your Time. 12Feb09

I warned you.

(Thank you Conan O'Brien and your friend Frankenstein, for the neato idea!)

That's all I'm saying about that.

No secret that I dig junk TV, right? We all know this, yes? Ohkay. Oddly enough, even I have television standards.

Who gives a shit about the Kardashians, really? /Really./ ... 

Also, what is going on lately with the tabloid shows and Jessica Simpson's "weight" or Mischa Barton's lack thereof? Which one is it, Hollywood? You have to make a decision on what sizes are acceptable because you're fucking annoying everyone.

Earlier tonight, Charo was in a sound deep kitty cat sleep on Mr. Buffie's lap. Whimsey was sitting next to me on the ottoman, enjoying having her chin scratched. Since she was being a nice kitty and also because Charo is bad at taking turns, I decided to try and sneak Whims a little kitty nip. 

Veeeeery q u i e t l y I opened the lid. Silently shook some out for Whimsey. Tried to put the lid back on making less noise than a mouse going pee pee on a pillow, but Charo's ears *instantly* turned right to me. I was busted so fast.

You can't sneak up on a cat. And if you do, it's just dumb luck. Even a kitty so fast asleep that the electronica channel on the sat rad won't make her twitch a whisker knows the sound of the catnip tub being opened and closed.


And now Buffie has wasted a moment of your time.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Buffie's Useless Tip of the Day! 29Jan09

Shells and cheese do not re-heat. You get just one chance. Only one shot with shells and cheese... so make it count.

That's kind of a metaphor for life, eh? Wow, I'm so like philosophical and junk....


... Dude, Mr. Buffie fell asleep watching Adult Swim on the cartoon channel, which is kinda unusual for him because as far as I know, we still get the Speed channel. Anyway, there's some stop-motion animation show on and it is... different. I know I haven't smoked any pot, but now that I'm watching this show, I'm not entirely sure.

They just showed the Incredible Hulk peeing in Wonder Woman's kitchen sink. 





Monday, January 26, 2009

So we all caught fat flu? Fox doesn't even try to hide the fact that they're haters. 26Jan09

Excuse me while I preach to the choir...

Found this while perusing Fox News online. (I literally had nothing better to do.),2933,482788,00.html

Apparently getting fat IS contagious. Wait til the size-phobes and Mike Huckabee get a hold of this. We'll all be quarantined and forced to eat nothing but steamed soy beans and bran flakes until we're "cured" of our infectious fattedness. 

And on the same page is this story…,2933,483204,00.html

Jessica Simpson gained 3 ounces!!!! A sure sign of the apocalypse! 

Maybe she caught the fat flu?

I realize this is Fox News… not exactly the height of reputable reporting right? But there are people who read this stuff and think it’s Gospel. Even people who write and propose legislation. It’s dangerous when a major media outlet hypes something like fat being contagious. 

Am I a scientist? No. Not even in my fake life. But you'd be better off trying to convince me the world is flat than trying to make me believe one iota of this story. Not buying it, not even as a possibility.

Bet you a dollar if we follow the funding behind this "research institute", we’ll find Slim-Fast or some other diet giant behind it.

Ah, well... look at that.

Nice try, Jenny Crank and NutriShitstem cronies. At least you took a shot at fear mongering from a different angle. Clever. Very clever.

BTW, Fox what did fat people do to piss you guys off today? Did you accidentally hire someone from Glamour Magazine for your news staff or something? Wackos.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Holy gawd, I did it again! 25Jan09

You'd think burning your boob with a curling iron is something you only have to do one time before you figure out it's smart to wear a more than a bra when doing your hair.

/You'd think..../

Apparently I'm not that smart.

Friday, I did it again! Dropped a hot curling iron on my boob! Different side this time. Left a mark. Hurts... awesome. Not.

To make myself feel better, I looked at the interwebs. Randomly found a crazy hot pic of Jason Wade, with whom I have a semi-unhealthy fixation. Dreamiest guy since Simon LeBon, amen he is.

I might be able to post it here. Let me see if I have any special blog skillz... (I can't remember how I posted the pic last time. LOLz)

He's even holding a puppy. Epic Swoon. -----sigh----- 
