Wednesday, June 3, 2015

You know I couldn't NOT say something.

Whenever a person who is transgender is in the media, I often see the argument that is it wrong or they are bad because changing one's gender is somehow against nature or violates a religion.

Yeah, changing chromosomes isn't a thing yet. But it could be in the future. 

No one owes us an explanation or disclosure of their chromosomes anyway, do they? Should the person chose to share their XX or XY status, you can have an opinion. But if it's shitty, ask yourself if that's helpful or necessary. Does it seem to frustrate you more than members of the transgender community?

May I attempt to help you with this frustration? Let me try to make an expample in hopes of helping you see your argument from a different angle.

I was not BORN a wife. I am, however, now a wife. My name has changed. Marriage is accepted as 'natural' by most people. (Yet it has not a lot to do with nature. Weddings don't grow in the forest.) Name changing is so obviously a human invention. Getting married is nothing like the challenge of going through a gender transition but it is indeed a change to one's way of living. 

Unless there is a super extreme thing I don't know about, no one is born a parent. Yet they can chose to become a parent. If that isn't a lifestyle change, what is?! Since you aren't born a parent but desire to become a parent, it can involve 'non-natural' things. Fertility treatments, surrogates...

What about adopting children? Is that also wrong? The DNA involved is not a natural match.

Ultimately, the nature/religion argument against accepting a person who is trans simply doesn't hold up without cherry-picking. And cherry-picking invalidates and fails to justify the reason to be anti-trans.

It is absolutely your choice when it comes to what you find tolerable or acceptable.

But if you're going to use the nature argument, and you don't want to be a hypocrite, you should be 100% natural yourself. All your own teeth, tonsils, real hair color, etc. If one surgery violates the rules of nature or religion, then logically, all medical interventions and cosmetic changes are violations too. 

And if you do want to be a hypocrite, then we probably don't know each other because my friends don't roll like that. LoL

Regardless, I'd never stand in the way of someone who desires to ironically contradict themselves. 

Joking aside, I want to help bring thought and understanding if I can. 

Yes, I'm clearly hetero, but I consider myself an ally. 

If you happen to be anti-trans, then I would like to ask a favor. It will be difficult but try to reexamine your stance minus the nature/religion dead-end and see what else is inside you. Is there another reason you can't accept a person who is transgender?

If you can't find another reason that justifies your perspective, then try observing the community with an accepting and tolerant eye. Nothing to lose by giving it a try, right?

My prediction is you will feel better about yourself and maybe about humans generally. Perhaps it won't be easy. But don't give up on yourself. 

To the people who live out loud as their honest selves, your courage is my inspiration.

And to those who have been able have a change of heart and to transition from foe to friend, my sincere respect.
