Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Oh my god, oh my god you guys!

Legally Blonde - The Musical

I'm SO there! It's coming to Kansas City in June and July and Mr. Buffie, the consummate good sport, is going to take me. Awww! 

(Don't exert yourselves giving him props just yet ladies. Because he did, however, say he refused to "suffer through" Mamma Mia a second time. Wuss.)


Anyone have the pleasure of seeing this tour of Legally Blonde yet?

Unfortunately, it won't have Laura Bell Bundy as Elle, but at least it won't have that dreadful Bailey Hanks either.  (On the MTV search for Elle Woods, she was the absolute /least/ like Elle of anyone.  Catty, snide, so not cute... and that speech impediment killed me.)

If my sources are correct, there's even a possibility that Lauren Zakrin will be playing Elle during some of the Kansas City shows. Keep your fingers crossed that it's the one I see! She was my favorite from the MTV search.

Oh my god, oh my god you guys!!!! Snaps! I'm so excited!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Totally Moving My Blog from MySpace to a more "grown up" place.

Don't worry.  I'm not getting all mature or boring on ya peeps.  My extra dumb MySpace blog sometimes gets weird, so I'm moving it here.  No big whoop.

The next several posts will be old entries that I transfer here.


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Buffie's Most Very Helpful Tip of the Day! Adjust Yer attitoood. 15Apr09

PMS? Irritation? World getting on your last effing nerve?

Here, I fix for you. Follow instructions:

You'll need 5 minutes.
The internet.

Mix the above ingredients with the following (whatever just do it!):

Garfield Minus Garfield. _No, I didn't stutter._

You can has LoLcat.

Cute things falling asleep. No, srsly, it's cute things falling asleep!

At end of 5 minutes, cobb, stick or head, whatever is rammed up your ass and screwing up yer attitude, it fall out. All better. Please pay at front desk.

Thank you.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Did "God" tell them personally or something? 06Apr09

The laundry was finished. Ate dinner. The dishwasher was loaded and running. Trash taken out. Surfaces wiped down. Kitty box changed. Too late to hit the grocery store. Finished the work I brought home from the office.

It's official. I literally had nothing better to do.

So I started digging around on YouTube. First looking at some ghost thing that was supposed to be funny. It wasn't. In the 'related videos' thing, I looked at something about Sylvia Browne. She's looney but is probably a lot of fun when she's drunk.

One thing led to another and next thing you know, I'm watching a video of Nut Job Shirley Phelps on a Fox show trying in vain to defend herself.

[~shudder~ I feel like I need to take a shower.]

She has to fall into one of 4 categories.

1 - Severely mentally ill (possibly due to inbreeding - have you /seen/ the Phelps family?)
2 - Massive attention whore (could be a combination of 1 and 2.)
3 - There must be some secret way they make money off this.
4 - A little bit of all of the above.

The conversation eventually turned to "sin" and how god is "punishing" the USA for accepting gay people.

She used the term "because we don't obey" a lot. Obey what? The bible? What about people who DO obey? What if they die in the war? Is that cool, too? Are they going to protest that funeral like all the others?

(For the record, Buffie does not subscribe to the Bible, but that doesn't mean I don't think about religious stuff or have curiosity. Just not my personal belief... thing.)

Now if I am going by Shirley Wacky Ass's description of sin - the following things are bad:
Being gay.
Accepting gay people.
Having gay friends.
Doing anything related to gay-ness and not hating the shit out of it.

On the other hand, according to Shirley Phucktard, the following things are NOT bad:
Protesting a funeral for a soldier who gave their life for our freedoms.
Trying to make a stranger feel like shit for being at said soldier's funeral.
Calling someone a "bimbo" (she did on Fox) or a "pervert" (she has on a crap ton of other shows).
Having snaggly disgusting hair and freaky gross horse teeth.
Excessive use of sarcasm in the name of the Lawd.
Oh... and apparently the word "ass" isn't a swear because she uses it a lot and she must think she's all perfect and junk because that bible book says people who don't sin are the ones allowed to throw rocks at other people.


That's what I learned. Fascinating.

Wait. It gets better.

She says her "church" isn't supposed to be popular. She says the bible says people are supposed to hate her church. To that I say - Mission Accomplished! 

Crazy cunt actually got one right. Whaddaya know?

I'm still not real sure what the goal of the Westboro Psycho Klan Church is supposed to be because no one could get the ignorant bitch to stop ranting long enough to answer a question directly. Anyone got a clue on this one? (No sarcasm or weird answers that are actually questions, please. I got enough of that from the spaz hag herself.)

Also, does anybody else suspect that Phred Phelps himself started the whole "god hates fags" thing because he is (unfortunately for gay people everywhere) in the closet and scared of being judged for being gay? Just sayin... insecurity is often the root of over-compensation.... think about it.....

There you go. That's how I spent my evening. And that's about all the time I think I can devote to something as worthless and insignificant as those Phelps douchebags in Topeka. Let's just hope they stay the hell there. Other people in Topeka, you might want to move elsewhere.... I know I would.

This is was inbred ignorant hate looks like: