Sunday, June 27, 2010

Hi Buff, I'm a big fan of your modeling carreer. Do you wear also sexy cleavage and mini skirt in your daily.

Not really. Only in fat-safe/fat-friendly environments because the average group of people cannot be trusted to act respectfully. It's an unpleasant fact.

I live out loud as much as I can but I also realize there are boundaries I shouldn't push in public because society isn't ready to accept fat pride. We still have some fighting to do on that front.

Why ask why?

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Are there any celebrities, actresses, or other such female famous peoplez specifically who you think gaining weight would be an improvement, E.G. improve there looks, make them sexier good for them or make em see the world through a larger girls eyes <;]

No specific person comes to mind; there are some who need a smack upside the head tho. (Spencer Pratt, Kanye, I'm talking to you.)

Not every skinny girl can rock curves... however I have to speak the whole truth and that is, not every zaftig lady can make skinny look good either.

I am never happy to see any celeb pimping sodium-laden over-priced horrors like Nutricrapstem or Jenny Crank. There are better ways to make money than by telling fat people they're hideous then preying on the ones who are unfortunately gullible enough to believe it.

However, it's probably unfair of me to hold a celebrity to a higher standard than the average person... but what the hay, it's fun so I do it anyway. Heeee!!!

Why ask why?

What's the craziest movie you've ever seen? The kind that just make you scratch your head and say WTF?

Probably a David Lynch movie... even though those are pretty tame in the big picture of creepy flicks. This foreign film I watched with my friend Regina was pretty out there. It was about a killer dog. And I think it was French. Baxter... Omg it has a Wiki page.

Your questions are so much fun, Cat! (((hugs)))

Why ask why?

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Buffie, I think your a real sex bomb of the SSBBW and a model to "big" women. Would you like to pose on Playboy or similar?

That's nice of you to say. It's fun. =)

Playboy has some of the most consistently lovely nude glamour photography out there. And true to what people say - the writing is excellent, nice combo of fluff and important stuff. Sort of like a morning news show except for hipsters who like vintage designer clothes and expensive vodka. A little ad heavy but when you hire the best, you have to pay them what they're worth somehow. Straight subscription costs probably wouldn't begin to cover their expenses.

I don't necessarily think I'm the appropriate type of model for Playboy's audience. Obviously they cater to people who are attracted to a thin/barely curvy body.

While I appreciate it personally, I realize I would not be popular among the majority of their readers. I might even get angry emails from people who are offended by simple fatness, and unfortunately I've come across a few.

There are some magazines that have equally kickass photography that feature we of the fluffy variety. So if one of them asked me, I would be flatted and gladly accept. ^_^