Sunday, November 4, 2012


For the sake of discussion, let's say a federal law passed making one person in charge and that person tells us all what to do right down to the gnat's ass.  Let's call this person Supreme Leader Butthurt.

Tell me how this is good for any human in any way?  Other than you could chain us to a line in a factory and force us to produce widgets for 12 hours a day without payment.  But I'm not talking about that extreme.  I'm talking about how we believe, how we spend the money we work for, what sort of work we do, or even how we cook meals at home.

I ask this because it was implied today that those who do not bring their lunch to work every day are somehow not living a responsible/healthy/worthy life.

In fact, there was nearly a lecture about saving money and eating healthier (Supreme Leader Butthurt clearly never ate my cooking) because those who bring their lunch every day are more better at living good than those of us who don’t.

I bring my lunch when I can.  A little less in the summer because it's nice to get out of the office; good for my mental health.  (Supreme Leader Butthurt probably doesn’t ‘believe’ in mental health or the lack of it.  This is likely the kind of person who blames an individual for not thinking happy enough if they’ve got chronic depression.  Because, y’know, science and neurons and shit = not to be trusted.  Creationism, now THAT is science.)

But Supreme Leader Butthurt wants to tell us how to live.  Why?  I don’t know.  I assume I am not the only person who has encountered somebody who wants to be a supreme leader.

Again, for the sake of discussion, let's peek into a pretend life under Supreme Leader Butthurt where I go to church, I spend an hour a day exercising (SLB recommends high-impact cardio), and I keep my house, office and car spotless and organized perfectly and I have a daily routine that includes specific manners of grooming and all that other stuff, all outlined by this supreme leader.  And because Supreme Leader Butthurt says life must be lived 'family-friendly' that means I am no longer allowed to use ‘dirty language’ or look at naked bits (let alone enjoy it oh fuck no, oops, bad word, go to jail) or drink or pop pills and I must watch the local and national news every evening after dinner and then do responsible things before going to bed promptly at 10:30 pm.

Let’s say I do all that.

Now I’m a carbon copy of of the supreme leader, except still sort of inferior because I don’t have a penis.

Also, in Supreme Leader Butthurt's world, femaleness, fatness, gayness, non-Christian-ness and non-whiteness exist but it is STRONGLY FROWNED UPON and failure to assimilate = go to jail.  Women are subservient.  We’re allowed to drive, work and get an education but we live to serve our husbands and we hold no authoritative positions in the office or the home.

Gay people are required to pretend straightness.  Pretend everything, unless you naturally happen to be a white, athletic, genius white male straighter than straight perfect reliable tireless Christian.

So I'm doing all the right pretend things.  I’m living my pretend life Supreme Leader Butthurt style to the max.  Is anyone happier besides the supreme leader?  Is he truly happier?  I’m not.  Mr. Buffie won’t be.  No one else I know will have any more or less fucks to give than they already do about how I brush my teeth or whether or not I've packed a lunch.

Am I missing a point?  What’s so fucking fantastic about making everyone live to this one particular way of life?  Or is are control freaks just pompous, pious fucktards?

None of us are perfect and I’m definitely not family-friendly fun but I’m not a suicide bomber either.  I’m not an extremist, I’m not violent or dishonest, I don’t steal.  People are not afraid I will eat their children.  Most people, anyway.

The worst things Supreme Leader Butthurt can say about me are the same allegedly "bad" things anyone else can say.  I’m fat; I swear perhaps a little too much; sell semi-naked pictures of myself for money; I’m an anti-prohibitionist and I’m atheist.  Why do these things matter to anyone at all except for me?

I. Just. Don’t. Get. It.

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