Monday, September 17, 2007

Dear Kanye... stop whining. 17Sept07

This is from my Dims post... Just wanted to share it here, too... 

Kanye whines again... but this time, it's about Britney.

He talks smack on MTV itself (bite one of the hands that help feed you, hrm) and apparently had a little hissy cow when he didn't win an award, again... 

And he cried and whined about not being on stage and it's not fair because Justin Timberbutt got to be on stage and it's soooo hard to be famous and wealthy and why me GAWD WHY??? -Kanye does Nancy Kerrigan impression in 3...2..1...- WHYYYYYYY?????!!!!!!!!!

Kanye, no offense because I'm sure you work super hard and all, but would you please go cry about what you didn't win in the privacy of one of your own mansions or at least hold your tears until you're in your Mercedes or Bentley or Rolls or whatever unaffordium on 4 wheels that brought you to the awards show? People were trying to have a good time and all your fussing was a major buzzkill, k? 

Maybe I would be a big cry-baby if I didn't win an MTV award, too. But considering I *don't* have an MTV award and I still got out of bed and put a smile on my face this morning, I'd say all and all, he doesn't have much cause for complaint. 

If he's soooooo bummed about how terribly MTV is treating Britney and the fact that they won't let him perform on the stage of his choice and the fact that he doesn't win everything for which he's nominated; then maybe he should quit making albums and go get a joe job like the rest of us? Just a suggestion.


I feel better now!

I know!!! "Don't be hatin" is the message of the week... but I'm not rilly rilly hating on Kanye. I'm sure his life is stressful, however, maybe HE should stop hating on MTV, go count his money and enjoy life? 

I'll say something nice now, to redeem myself.

I'm glad Kanye and I both live in a country where we're free to show our asses and piss and moan about stuff like this. America ain't perfect and I think our government is an overgroan impotent mess, but it's hella better than living in the desert or mud hut or some place where women aren't allowed to drive.

He can cry if he wants to, but he propbably shouldn't expect a lot of sympathy. (Clearly he expects MTV to roll over and hand him everything he desires, so I'm guessing he probably DOES expect sympathy too. Silly me.) Sheesh.

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